The empirical evidence is stark and clear; the major, nay the seminal, problem with American Liberals, and their allies and associates: Liberal politicians, Liberal academicians, Liberal comedians, Liberal pundits, Liberal analysts, Liberal Talking Heads, and the Liberal cognoscenti is that they have no clue in which century they exist in. Consequently, this Blogger must do his civic duty and inform them that the year is 2019 AD, a part of the 21st Century.
Liberals base their Immigration Policy on a 19th Century Plaque attached to the Statue of Liberty; a plaque which invited the world’s tired and poor to the United States; as long as those beatified migrants accepted complicity in the genocide of Native Americans as the foundation for their opportunities for wealth, safety and happiness.
Liberals base their worldview about the 21st Century on a 20th Century belief that the abundance of America’s Periclean Age(1944-1992) will be a permanent fixture in the firmament of History.
Liberals cannot understand that the American Dystopia will begin in 2030, when America becomes noticeably Water Stressed. No Liberal seems to understand that in the 21st Century, the most important commodity on Earth will be fresh drinking water, not FACEBOOK likes, or empowerment, or gender quality, or equality, or IPOs, or new albums from Beyonce, but ancient water.
Only troglodyte Donald Trump seems to understand that in the near future only water will be valued far above rubies.
There is NO NEW WATER being made by Nature; all the water there is, all the water drunk by every living thing; all the water used to grow food in every corner of the world is used water, renewed from the great rain storms of 4,200 million years ago. “Water condenses in the cooling atmosphere, and heavy rains pour down on the planet. After several hundred million years of falling rain, great oceans form.”
Water is the Don Divino, all Life needs it, and the Earth is running out of fresh water because the Earth has too many people.
America is running out of Water. The Liberal response to that FACT borders on lunacy; their response to an America on the verge of Water stress is OPEN BORDERS, invite more people into America so we,native and migrant, can die of thirst together. Very Stephen Colbert,
President Trump, a man of the 21st Century, has broached the idea that America buy Greenland from Denmark.
Why Greenland?
“The Greenland ice sheet is a vast body of ice covering 1,710,000 square kilometres (660,000 sq mi), roughly 80% of the surface of Greenland.
It is the second largest ice body in the world, after the Antarctic ice sheet The ice sheet is almost 2,400 kilometres (1,500 mi) long in a north-south direction, and its greatest width is 1,100 kilometres (680 mi)….”
In the 21st Century, it will all be about the water stupid, from Mass Migration to Cruel and/or Lethal Migration Deterrence Policies.
Buying Greenland for its water seems ludicrous in 2019; in 2030 it will seem innovative policy.
While President Trump was floating the idea of buying Greenland, this was happening in America, a precursor of the 2030 Dystopian Water Stress.
“First-ever mandatory water cutbacks will kick in next year along the Colorado River
Arizona, Nevada and Mexico will be required to take less water from the Colorado River for the first time time next year under a set of agreements that aim to keep enough water in Lake Mead to reduce the risk of a crash.
The federal Bureau of Reclamation activated the mandatory reductions in water deliveries on Thursday when it released projections showing that as of Jan. 1, the level of Lake Mead will sit just below a threshold that triggers the cuts.
….The Colorado River’s reservoirs have dropped dramatically since 2000 during one of the most extreme droughts in centuries. Farms and cities across the Southwest have long been taking more from the river than what flows into it, and climate change is adding to the strains by pushing up temperatures.
Reservoirs were approaching levels last year that would have triggered a shortage and required deeper cuts, but heavy snow across much of the Rocky Mountains this winter boosted runoff and raised reservoir levels. The river’s reservoirs are now at 55% of total capacity, up from 49% at the same time last year.
But Lake Mead is still projected to be just below the threshold of 1,090 feet above sea level at the beginning of next year. That will put the reservoir in a zone called “Tier Zero,” at which the first cuts take effect. .
“While we appreciate this year’s above-average snowpack, one good year doesn’t mean the drought is over. We must remain vigilant,” federal Reclamation Commissioner Brenda Burman said in a statement.
….Arizona will see a cut of 192,000 acre-feet in water deliveries next year, or 6.9% of its total allotment of 2.8 million acre-feet. Nevada’s share will be reduced by 8,000 acre-feet, while Mexico’s will take 41,000 acre-feet less…USA TODAY.”
On May 20, 2012, this Blogger published: The FACEBOOK IPO Is Nothing,…. Water Is Everything.
The following is excerpted from that Blog:
“This week two seemingly unrelated events, but in reality VERY related events occurred. One was the FACEBOOK IPO …the other was the City of Phoenix,Arizona, going to the Navajo Nation, begging for WATER.
In retrospect, these two overlapping events will mark the transition out of one era, into beginning of a new era. The old FACEBOOK era in which everyone lived ethereal lives dependent on how many internet friends one amassed has no future; the new era of Insatiable Demand for Water has began. The American Era in which THE WELL IS EVERYTHING.
…. Water in America is measured in terms of acre- foot, an acre foot is enough water to supply a family of four for one year.
Water law in America is based on first-in-time principle; whoever used the water first has the lion’s share of the acre feet…..Native Americans used the water first. It was their continent.
Native American water in the Southwest is selling for $106 per acre-foot; soon it will be selling for $1,500 per acre foot. The City of Los Angeles is prepared to pay $10,000 per acre-foot; Communist China is prepared to pay $15,000 per acre-foot.
By 2050, the price per acre foot will be unlimited.
The Age of FACEBOOK will soon be over; the Age of Water Shortages will begin….….GERRY MAXEY.”
Buying Greenland for its water is not such a dumb idea; as Liberals will recognize when they get thirsty, and dirty from lack of showers.
Naturally Liberals mocked Trump for his suggestion of a Greenland purchase(see the front page of the NEW YORK DAILY NEWS below)
Liberal comedians said Trump wanted Greenland only to build golf courses; Liberal columnists said Trump has a fixation of real estate.
The NEW YORK TIMES printed the following( excerpted):"COPENHAGEN — President Trump’s idea to possibly buy Greenland for its natural resources left residents of the semiautonomous Danish territory amused, apoplectic and in disbelief, and received a chilly reception in Denmark on Friday.
“I hope it’s a joke, because it’s a terrible and grotesque thought,” said Martin Lidegaard, chairman of Denmark’s Foreign Policy Committee.
“It must be an April Fool’s Day joke … but totally out of season,” Lars Lokke Rasmussen, a former prime minister of Denmark and the leader of the opposition,….
The idea first sprang up last year, when Mr. Trump was said to have joked about buying Greenland for its natural wealth during a meeting in the Oval Office. He is said to have repeatedly returned to the possibility, since the country, which is part of the kingdom of Denmark, appeals to him because its location in the North Atlantic has security value, according to people familiar with his thinking.
….Social media users were quick to exploit the report about the American president’s exploring the purchase of Greenland. One photoshopped a pompous-looking golden tower into a picture of Greenlandic villages with colorful two-story wooden houses. Another asked if Denmark could trade Greenland for Hawaii.
But at the center of the international contretemps, there was little to laugh about, politicians and residents said.
“It’s never nice to be treated as a commodity,” said Aaja Chemnitz Larsen, a Greenlandic member of the Danish Parliament.
Greenland, a nation of 56,000, has a shared history with Denmark since the first Vikings settled there a millennium ago. If that relationship were to change, it would not be up to Denmark and certainly not up to an American president’s “impulse,” said Henrik O. Breitenbauch, an expert on Greenland and the head of the Center for Military Studies at Copenhagen University.
“You don’t just trade people and countries,” Mr. Breitenbauch added.
The speculation is that Mr. Trump, a former real estate developer, was keen on Greenland because he tends to see the world through a prism of acquisitions. And Greenland, located among both friendly and hostile neighbors, has everything a real estate investor could desire in terms of fresh air, direct access to the sea, an abundance of shrimp, cod and halibut and a backyard rich with lucrative minerals.
….….Martin Breum, the author of “The Greenland Dilemma,” said Mr. Trump’s idea is “an absolutely radical break” with settled foundations since World War II. “It’s questioning a power relation more than 70 years old,” he added. “When small nations wake up to the world’s superpower threatening to unroot that relation, it’s not something to take lightly.”
“This may be a signal that the United States wants a different relationship with Greenland than what we’ve been used to,” he mused. “If that’s the case, it’s fundamental to the way the Danish realm works. Greenland comprises 99 percent of the realm’s territory. It’s everything but a joke,” Mr. Breum said.
“Even if this is an aphorism, it’s paramount to clarify whether this has more to it. If there is a desire to change the existing. It has enormous importance to Greenland,” he said….NEW YORK TIMES.”
By 2050, with America in total Water Stress, even Liberals will be forced to live in the 21st Century; then America will not offer to buy Greenland for its water; but will take it by force.

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