Liberals wail and complain, whine and pontificate about President Trump’s cruel deterrence policy against migrants.
What they will not address is the immutable numbers.
“Climate Migrants Might Reach One Billion by 2050
ROME (IPS) - Imagine a world with as many as one billion people facing harsh climate change impacts resulting in devastating droughts and/or floods, extreme weather, destruction of natural resources, in particular lands, soils and water, and the consequence of severe livelihoods conditions, famine and starvation.
….Up to 12 million hectares of productive land become barren every year due to desertification and drought alone, which is a lost opportunity to produce 20 million tons of grain, adds the Bonn-based Convention secretariat.
… Over 1 billion people today have no access to water, and demand will increase by 30 per cent by 2030.”
On the other hand, getting sustainable energy to all represents one of the biggest development challenges of the 21st century, it continues.
“Research suggests that 1.4 billion people — over 20 per cent of the global population — lack access to electricity, and that at least 2.7 billion people — some 40 cent of the global population — rely on the traditional use of biomass for cooking.”
In short, land, water and energy as resources are all pillars of our survival and of sustainable development.
....“The exposure of more and more poor people to water scarcity and hunger opens the door to the failure of fragile states and regional conflicts. Non-state actor groups are increasingly taking advantage of large cross-border migration flows and abandoned lands.”
Where natural assets including land are poorly managed, warns the Convention, violence might become the dominant means of resource control, forcing natural resource assets out of the hands of legitimate government.
Meanwhile, the number of international migrants worldwide has been on the rise. According to the International migration report (2015), their number has continued to grow rapidly over the past fifteen years reaching 244 million in 2015, up from 222 million in 2010 and 173 million in 2000.
Losing productive land is driving people to make risky life choices, says UNCCD, adding that in rural areas where people depend on scarce productive land resources, land degradation is a driver of forced migration.
Africa is particularly susceptible since more than 90 per cent of economy depends on a climate-sensitive natural resource base like rain-fed, subsistence agriculture.
“Unless we change the way we manage our land, in the next 30 years we may leave a billion or more vulnerable poor people with little choice but to fight or flee…..IPS."
Seemingly the Democratic Party is endorsing ALL those migrants coming to America.
This Blogger opposes the Democratic Party’s immigration policy of thinking the Republic can succor ONE BILLION MIGRANTS.
The rational worldview is obvious: how can a potential host nation deter those migrants?
This Blogger believes that there are three choices for America:
1-Trump’s Immigration Policy of Deliberate Cruelty.
2- Or, Establish a fever line, a cordon sanitaire at the borders; which means shooting unarmed men, women and children if they cross the frontier.
3-Or, Demagnetize America as a destination.
On this Blogger's last visit to Washington, D.C., he was invited to dinner by an immigration activist; her avowed goal was to convert him to a more compassionate stance vis-à-vis the horde of Central American migrants pressing against America’s Southern frontier.
She does valiant work for illegal aliens; she told this Blogger she was intrigued by the intelligence of his Blogs. She told him she wanted to convert him to compassion.
This Blogger told her: the border fight was not about compassion, but sheer numbers. This Blogger told her that there was no compassion on Earth which could make enough water, grow enough food, and conjure up enough doctors or teachers to succor one billion migrants.
As for illegal aliens currently in America-they must self-deport. They must cash out their winnings from the American Dream and leave; the unskilled will be replaced by robots.
The self-deportation can be accomplished by the application of RICO laws;which would subject all the property and wealth,of illegal aliens, to confiscation by the State if they stayed. The RICO forfeiture is justified because the accumulated wealth was accomplished by illegal aliens initially breaking the law. (Naturally compassionate Democrats, in the face of one billion migrants, want to de-criminalize America’s immigration laws, leaving the lawbreakers immune from RICO laws). The proceeds from the confiscation of the wealth of illegal aliens could be set in a trust, for Reparation to the descendants of Black Slaves( that should satisfy Mr. Coates, the comic book philosopher of Reparations).
As for migrants desperate to come to America, for a better life for their children, this Blogger suggested over turning PLYLER vs. DOE. That was a 5-4 Supreme Court Decision which guaranteed the children of illegal aliens access to free education up to high school graduation.
As for migrants desperate to come to America, for a better life for their children, this Blogger suggested over turning PLYLER vs. DOE. That was a 5-4 Supreme Court Decision which guaranteed the children of illegal aliens access to free education up to high school graduation.
Rather than use lethal force to deter migration, this Blogger advocates Ruthless Compassion, taking away unearned benefits from migrants,denying migrants and their children free education,the necessary first step in deterrence. Free education for illegal aliens is an undeserved perk, Migrant Privilege. If the Philosophers-Kings of the Court can find a constitutional right for Migrant Privilege, they can unfind it.
This Blogger then related this heartwarming story, as reported by Mariana Atencio; Ms. Atencio , a MSNBC reporter, a former Univision reporter, and a Venezuelan immigrant, informed the world of this inspiring tale of a Honduran mother; she had walked one thousand miles; and though she was exhausted, on her first day in America, she had enrolled her child in a Texas school.
Regardless of their individual bravery and stamina, this Republic cannot afford free education for one billion migrants.
The activist ended the dinner with the obligatory incantation that this Blogger was heartless; yet she offered no solution to one billion people on the move by 2050, except COMPASSION, THE INCREDIBLE HULK of Liberal immigration policies.
Free education to the children of illegal aliens is neither a law nor an Executive Order; it is a court decision, a residual vestige from when America had abundance and less illegal aliens.
Judges made it and Judges can unmake it.
Overturning it should be the first priority of the Trump Class of Judges.
As of July 18, 2019, the United States Senate has confirmed 129 Article II Judges, nominated by President Trump: 2 Associate Justices, 43 Judges to the Courts of Appeals, and 84 District Court Judges.
Those Trump Judges need to make their bones, for the Republic, by overturning Plyler vs.Doe; the case is not Compassion versus Racism; the case is Compassion versus the ongoing survival of the hallowed Republic.
“ LAKE WORTH-….. Dayvin Mungia, 7, arrived from El Salvador at South Grade Elementary in South Florida last year with, it seemed, no schooling at all. “He didn’t even recognize the first letter of his name,” said Nicol Sakellarios, his second-grade teacher, as the smiling boy gamely stumbled through his ABC’s in summer school not long ago. “Good job, my love,” she said, prodding him on as he faltered again and again.
Laura Martin, 16, who attended school for only three years in Guatemala and speaks an indigenous language, plans to enroll in high school in Florida next month. “Illiterate” and “0” were scrawled on a math work sheet that she tried and failed to complete after she made her way across the border in May.
Migrant children arriving in record numbers are creating challenges for school districts across the country. Many of the newcomers have disjointed or little schooling; their parents, often with limited reading and writing skills themselves and no familiarity with the American education system, are unable to help.
Schools in places like Lake Worth, a city near President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort that has become a favorite destination for Guatemalans, are scrambling to hire new staff and add summer sessions to support the newcomers…..Last year, the Palm Beach County school district enrolled 4,555 Guatemalan students in K through 12, nearly 50 percent more than two years earlier. Many of the students come from the country’s remote highlands and speak neither Spanish nor English. The number of elementary school students in K through 5 more than doubled to 2,119 in that same period.
Ana Arce-Gonzalez, the principal at South Grade Elementary School in the heart of Lake Worth’s immigrant enclave, said that in 25 years as an educator she had never experienced anything like it. The school saw its enrollment rise from 820 at the beginning of the last school year to 910 in the spring, pushing it over capacity.
“It speaks to what is happening at the border,” she said.
Under a 1982 Supreme Court decision, all children, regardless of immigration status, are entitled to a K through 12 education. With hundreds of thousands of new parents and children crossing the border in recent months, districts across the country are having to transfer teachers to affected schools, expand bilingual training for staff and prepare for students who may be traumatized.
“We are going to educate every child on our doorstep,” said Cade Brumley, superintendent of schools in Jefferson Parish, La., outside New Orleans. But, “there is a fiscal impact. It’s not uncommon for us to hear legitimate concerns from the public about the allocation of resources,” he said.
The school district of 50,000 people enrolled 1,000 new Central American students last year, prompting a hiring spree of bilingual teachers and front office staff, and in the fall the district will roll out 15 dual-language schools and “newcomer centers” to cater to Spanish speakers.
….Lake Worth is a relatively affordable city of 39,000 people and easily accessible to hotels, golf courses, farms and nurseries that hire immigrants. It is also home to immigrants from Haiti and other Central American countries; still, Guatemalans represent the largest group among Hispanics, who now account for more than 40 percent of the city’s population.
……Critics say immigrant students could do better if the district provided more support, including hiring more interpreters. But district officials say it has been tough to hire speakers of Mayan languages, such as Q’anjob’al and Mam, whose educational qualifications fulfill state requirements. Currently, only four interpreters make the rounds of the entire district.
….A quarter of the children last year who enrolled at the school in third grade, the grade during which the state tests student progress in reading and math, were newcomers. Only 11 percent of kindergartners were assessed as “kindergarten ready” when they started school.
Dayvin Mungia, the second grader who had never attended school, was one of several students who were taught numbers and letters on the side by his teacher when the rest of the class was engaged in other activities……many Lake Worth residents have welcomed the diversity brought by the city’s now numerous immigrants, but some also worry that they could be dragging down educational standards for other students.
“You have to be experiencing real hardship to carry your toddler through the desert to seek a better life,” said Dan Brown, a mail carrier, who said the new immigrants are “perfectly fine neighbors,” but who also said he was considering moving to a place with less-impacted schools when his 2-year-old son is ready for kindergarten.
Some other residents wondered whether they were subsidizing the newly arriving families.
“They’re poor and can’t make it here,” said Jonathan Harris, a real-estate investor who favors stronger controls on immigration. “I am pretty confident that we have enough people already here illegally to do all the jobs that Americans don’t want to get their hands dirty doing,” he said…….NEW YORK TIMES.”
Democrats can tax every rich person in America at a 95% rate, and it still won’t be enough to succor the massive numbers of migrants coming.
Democrats must come up with better ideas than Compassion and Open Borders to save this Republic for their grandchildren, from the stampede of one billion migrants.
Compassion toward migrants now, means Dystopia for Americans in 2050.

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