This Blogger has a writer-friend, a screenwriter with credits. He is doing a script about the sinking of the SS CENTRAL AMERICA in 1857. He asked this Blogger to read it and submit notes, advice, and/or corrections. He figures that this Blogger understands the inner workings of 19th Century people.
The screenwriter figures pretty well; for this Blogger has no understanding whatsoever of millennial males; except that they are so in touch with their feelings that they feel entitled to rape women, murder children and mock heroes not in a comic book.
This Blogger does have an intuit, an affinity to comprehend, even predict, men who still live by medieval codes(Mafioso), 7th Century codes(Muslim fanatics), 19th Century codes,(Marxists) and 20th Century Codes(Stalinists and Maoists).
In September, 1857, the SS CENTRAL AMERICA left the east side of Panama, with 477 passengers, and 101 crew. It had tons and tons of California gold on it, in transit to New York.
Off the coast of the Carolinas, it ran into a hurricane; two days after coming in contact with the storm the CENTRAL AMERICA began taking on water. The winds got up to 105mph, and the ship was being swamped. Her sails were shredded. And her broilers were being compromised by rising waters.
On September 11th, at noon, the broiler failed. She settled by the stern, dead in the water. The men started a bucket brigade, to bail out the water.
Suddenly there was a calm, the storm subsided, and another ship, the SS MARINE spotted the CENTRAL AMERICA and their distress signals. The MARINE came close and started lowering their lifeboats. It began sending the boats to rowing some of the CENTRAL AMERICA people to safety on the MARINE.
Then the Captain of the CENTRAL AMERICA made a very 19th Century decision concerning gender; he demanded that all the women and children be saved first, while the men stood at their stations bailing out the water.
The rescue boats were loaded with women and children; they were rowed to safety during the calm.
Only the male gender were left on board, in the calm. The women were deposited on the safe ships, and the male rowers went back to rescue the men.
Alas,the storm struck again, viciously. With unbelievable cruelty, the storm would not let the rescue boats back to the CENTRAL AMERICA; the rowers could not overcome the waves against them.
On the CENTRAL AMERICA attempts were made to reignite the broiler.
In response, the storm sent a killer wave.
The CENTRAL AMERICA floundered. On the rescue ship, the saved women watched as their husbands, fathers, brothers and lovers went down.
The CENTRAL AMERICA sank below the waves at 8PM;…” the brave Captain Herndon went down with his ship. Men were seen tossing their now worthless gold coins into the ocean, then jumping in to save themselves.
Many of those men drowned immediately, but still, the seas were full everywhere of desperate men treading water, holding on to floatsom, and wishing they could be rescued. They cried out to heaven for rescue, onlookers reported…. There were hundreds of swimmers in the storm tossed sea, as they treaded water in the darkness, crying out to God and Jesus for help. As their grief stricken wives were carried away on the SS Marine, they waved their last waves, and shared their last looks with their husbands and brothers and fathers.”
53 men survived the sinking; all the women and children did.
This Blogger finds Captain Herndon’s decision very easy to comprehend; save the women, for they gave birth.
Captain Herndon was living in a simpler world, all he had to do was dictate, SAVE THE WOMEN FIRST.
Fast forward to 2019, imagine Captain Herndon’s dilemma if the CENTRAL AMERICA was sinking in 2019.
How can he decide which gender to save? When in 2019 you have more than two genders, how does a Captain in a storm decide whom to save?
If you are a transgender woman, without a vagina, are you entitled to be saved as the CENTRAL AMERICA sinks?
Sex- Your assigned gender at birth and/or the gender of your reproductive organs
Gender- Where you feel that you personally fall on the spectrum between male and female. Commonly people identify as male or female, but some fall in the middle or move throughout the spectrum.
Cisgender- When you identify with the gender you were assigned at birth
Transgender- When you identify with a gender different than that you were assigned at birth
Transsexual- When you have had Gender Reassignment Surgery (GRS) to change the sexual organs you were born with to that of a different gender.
*note that you will sometimes see an astrid after Trans (Trans*) which is meant to include both transgendered and transsexual individuals
Male to Female (MtF)- When somebody that is assigned as a male at birth identifies as a female
Female to Male (FtM)- When somebody that is assigned as a female at birth identifies as a male
Binary- The genders at each end of the gender spectrum (male and female)
Non-Binary- An umbrella term for genders that fall somewhere in the middle of the gender spectrum and are neither strictly male or female. This can be used as a gender identification without further explanation. Sometimes the term,genderqueer, is used.
Genderfluid- Moving between genders or having a fluctuating gender identity
Agender- Not identifying with any gender. Sometimes referred to as beinggenderless or gendervoid
Bigender- Identifying as two genders, commonly (but not exclusively) male and female. Sometimes you feel like both genders at the same time and sometimes you fluctuate.
Polygender- When you identify with multiple genders at once. Sometimes referred to as multigender.
Neutrois- When you identify as agender, neither male nor female, and/or genderless
Gender Apathetic- When you really do not identify nor care about any particular gender. You are fine passing off as whatever and you really do not have an opinion towards your own gender.
Androgyne- This term overlaps a lot between gender identification and presentation. It can be used to describe others and as an identification. This term is used to describe people who are neither male nor female or are both male and female. Basically anyone who does not fit into a binary gender category.
Intergender- Somebody who's gender is somewhere between male and female
Demigender- When you feel as if you are one part a defined gender and one or more parts an undefined gender. Terms can include demigirl, demiboy, demiagender, ect.
Greygender- Somebody with a weak gender identification of themselves
Aporagender- Somebody with a strong gender identification of themselves that is non-binary
Maverique- A non-binary gender that exists outside of the orthodox social bounds of gender
Novigender- A gender that is super complex and impossible to describe in a single term
Designated gender- A gender assigned at birth based on an individuals sex and/or what gender society percieves a person to be
AFAB- Assigned Female At Birth
AMAB- Assigned Male At Birth
Gender roles- Certain behaviors an activities expected/considered acceptable of people in a particular society based upon their designated gender
Gender Presentation- The gender you present yourself to others. This is sometimes referred to as gender expression
Transitioning- The process of using medical means to change your sex
Intersex- A biological difference in sex that is when people are born with genitals, gonads, and/or chromosomes that do not match up exactly with male or female. Intersex individuals can have any romantic/sexual orientation and can have any gender identification. Intersex individuals are about as common as redheads.
Dyadic- Someone who is not intersex and when their gentinals, gonads, and chromosomes can all match into either a male or female category
Trans Woman- Someone who is assigned as a male at birth, but identifies as a woman
Trans Man- Someone who is assigned as a female at birth, but identifies as a man
Trans Feminine- Someone who identifies as feminine, but identifies as neither a man nor a woman. They must also be assigned male at birth.
Trans Masculine- Someone who identifies as masculine, but identifies as neither a man nor a woman. They must also be assigned female at birth.
Social Dysphoria- Discomfort experienced when acting in ways socially different than your gender or being addressed in ways different to your gender
Body Dysphoria- Discomfort experienced because of the difference between gender and your sex, role, or gender expression.”
Gender- Where you feel that you personally fall on the spectrum between male and female. Commonly people identify as male or female, but some fall in the middle or move throughout the spectrum.
Cisgender- When you identify with the gender you were assigned at birth
Transgender- When you identify with a gender different than that you were assigned at birth
Transsexual- When you have had Gender Reassignment Surgery (GRS) to change the sexual organs you were born with to that of a different gender.
*note that you will sometimes see an astrid after Trans (Trans*) which is meant to include both transgendered and transsexual individuals
Male to Female (MtF)- When somebody that is assigned as a male at birth identifies as a female
Female to Male (FtM)- When somebody that is assigned as a female at birth identifies as a male
Binary- The genders at each end of the gender spectrum (male and female)
Non-Binary- An umbrella term for genders that fall somewhere in the middle of the gender spectrum and are neither strictly male or female. This can be used as a gender identification without further explanation. Sometimes the term,genderqueer, is used.
Genderfluid- Moving between genders or having a fluctuating gender identity
Agender- Not identifying with any gender. Sometimes referred to as beinggenderless or gendervoid
Bigender- Identifying as two genders, commonly (but not exclusively) male and female. Sometimes you feel like both genders at the same time and sometimes you fluctuate.
Polygender- When you identify with multiple genders at once. Sometimes referred to as multigender.
Neutrois- When you identify as agender, neither male nor female, and/or genderless
Gender Apathetic- When you really do not identify nor care about any particular gender. You are fine passing off as whatever and you really do not have an opinion towards your own gender.
Androgyne- This term overlaps a lot between gender identification and presentation. It can be used to describe others and as an identification. This term is used to describe people who are neither male nor female or are both male and female. Basically anyone who does not fit into a binary gender category.
Intergender- Somebody who's gender is somewhere between male and female
Demigender- When you feel as if you are one part a defined gender and one or more parts an undefined gender. Terms can include demigirl, demiboy, demiagender, ect.
Greygender- Somebody with a weak gender identification of themselves
Aporagender- Somebody with a strong gender identification of themselves that is non-binary
Maverique- A non-binary gender that exists outside of the orthodox social bounds of gender
Novigender- A gender that is super complex and impossible to describe in a single term
Designated gender- A gender assigned at birth based on an individuals sex and/or what gender society percieves a person to be
AFAB- Assigned Female At Birth
AMAB- Assigned Male At Birth
Gender roles- Certain behaviors an activities expected/considered acceptable of people in a particular society based upon their designated gender
Gender Presentation- The gender you present yourself to others. This is sometimes referred to as gender expression
Transitioning- The process of using medical means to change your sex
Intersex- A biological difference in sex that is when people are born with genitals, gonads, and/or chromosomes that do not match up exactly with male or female. Intersex individuals can have any romantic/sexual orientation and can have any gender identification. Intersex individuals are about as common as redheads.
Dyadic- Someone who is not intersex and when their gentinals, gonads, and chromosomes can all match into either a male or female category
Trans Woman- Someone who is assigned as a male at birth, but identifies as a woman
Trans Man- Someone who is assigned as a female at birth, but identifies as a man
Trans Feminine- Someone who identifies as feminine, but identifies as neither a man nor a woman. They must also be assigned male at birth.
Trans Masculine- Someone who identifies as masculine, but identifies as neither a man nor a woman. They must also be assigned female at birth.
Social Dysphoria- Discomfort experienced when acting in ways socially different than your gender or being addressed in ways different to your gender
Body Dysphoria- Discomfort experienced because of the difference between gender and your sex, role, or gender expression.”
Can one imagine Captain Herndon standing in the storm pointing out someone he thinks a woman, and saying: ‘SHE WILL BE SAVED.”
And the lady in question replies:” I AM NOT A SHE BUT A THEY!”
It is obvious that the Millennial generation believes that a decision, in a crisis, about whom should get saved will never again be based on gender.
The question is: Whether our society, our culture, is better for that millennial belief?
"At 11 a.m. Captain Herndon told the passengers that the ship was in danger and enlisted the aid of all men to bail water with a bucket brigade. By 1:00 in the afternoon the rising water in the hold had quenched the boiler fires, and the ship's immense paddlewheels came to a halt. The SS Central America was at the mercy of the sea.
By mid-afternoon, the lower deck and many cabins of the SS Central America were uninhabitable. A small spanker sail was rigged in an attempt to keep the ship headed into the wind, for if it was broadside to the waves it risked being swamped. However, the spanker sail and all other canvas sails were soon ripped to shreds.
After a tumultuous wind- and wave-whipped night, the powerless Central America wallowed helplessly in a raging sea on Saturday morning, September 12, 1857. Decks were awash.
At about 1:00 p.m. on Saturday afternoon, the sail of the brig Marine was seen on the horizon. …. Aboard the sinking SS Central America , Herndon ordered women and children on deck, in preparation for boarding lifeboats.
The first lifeboat leaving the SS Central America was smashed, and the women and children experienced difficulties as they climbed into the small boats. Some were lowered in hastily fashioned rope loops or nooses in which they sat, but most jumped from the Central America into the boats below. Some missed the target and landed in the sea, and were fished out by those already in the little vessels.
The Central America continued to fill with water. By now, all bailing efforts had ceased and most of the ship was inundated. Pounding waves broke up cabin walls and floors and tore away sails, spars, and equipment. Some of the men ripped planks and railings off the ship to make crude rafts, while others found single boards on which to float.
At a few minutes past 8:00 p.m., a tremendous wave hit the SS Central America. She shuddered, timbers broke, and with hundreds of men huddled at the front of the ship and Captain Herndon on the starboard paddle-box, she slipped at a sharp angle beneath the waves...SS CENTRAL AMERICA"

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