As Readers of this Blog are aware this Blogger is avidly and
ardently opposed to America’s current immigration policy. The Republic is
bringing too many people for the Republic to maintain social cohesion in the future.
Liberals state that such an attitude is Racist; this Blogger
believes that it is not racist to understand that Artificial Intelligence is
well on its way and that America will have barely enough unskilled and
semi-skilled jobs to employ native born and legal Americans; because of Artificial
Intelligence and robotics there will not be enough jobs in the future for the
volume of immigrants, legal and illegal, America is allowing into the nation.
One of the monumental shibboleths of Liberal thinking concerning
immigration is that the Republic needs a continuous stream of freshly minted immigrants
to offset the aging baby Boomer population. That is not true; robots will
offset the economic consequences of an aging population.
The following is a well articulated presentation of the Liberal argument
that America needs more immigrants, rather than less. It is excerpted from an
article, from that compendium of liberal shibboleths, THE NEW YORKER magazine.
“the Census Bureau published new
data that show why the United States will need more immigrants, not fewer, in
the coming decades.
Demographers and economists have
been warning that the aging baby-boomer population presents a serious challenge
to the nation’s finances, as the ratio of seniors to working-age adults—the
age-dependency ratio—rises. The reason is straightforward: Social Security and
Medicare are largely financed on a pay-as-you-go basis, which means that some
of the taxes paid by current workers are transferred to current retirees. If
the dependency ratio rises, the financial burden on the working-age population
also increases.
….During those twenty years,
according to Census Bureau data, the total number of foreign-born people
(documented and undocumented) living in the United States roughly doubled, to
about forty million. But this influx of working-age people—the vast majority of
whom are immigrants of working age—wasn’t enough to offset a decrease in birth
rates that began in the nineteen-seventies and has recently accelerated.
The easiest way to grasp the
seriousness of what is happening is to look at the fertility rate, which is the
average number of babies born to mothers between the ages of fifteen and
forty-four. Merely to replace the existing population, the fertility rate needs to be about 2.1 per cent. During the
baby-boomer years, it reached 3.7 per cent. In 2017, it was just 1.76 per cent.
If this trend persists, as it seems likely to do, it portends a declining
population and a sharply rising dependency ratio.
From a public-finance
perspective, there are several possible ways to tackle the looming challenge.
One is to reduce the level of retirement benefits significantly—but that would
be very unpopular and difficult to achieve politically. A second option is to
increase the proportion of people who are working, among both working-age
people and senior citizens. That, too, would be a mighty challenge, because the
trend is going in the opposite direction…….
The final option is to welcome
more immigrants, particularly younger immigrants, so that, in the coming
decades, they and their descendants will find work and contribute to the tax
base. Almost all economists agree that immigration raises G.D.P. and stimulates
business development by increasing the supply of workers and entrepreneurs. …..
There is no doubt about the contribution that immigrant families make over the
longer term…THE NEW YORKER.”
The above is scary stuff; it leads one to the conclusion that
the Republic should grab hold of every immigrant breathing and bring him, her,
it, and whatever to America.
The only problem with that pro-immigrant analysis is that THERE
How will the new immigrant contribute when there will be no
There are limits to the amount of immigrants who will be able to find work as
Civil Rights attorneys, Somali translators, social workers and political
On January 13, 2018, this Blogger addressed this issue when he published:
The Fierce Urgency of Repatriating TPS
Migrants-Jobs and Robots
The following is excerpted from that Blog:
“TPS- Temporary Protected Status is a temporary status
given to eligible nationals of designated countries who are present in the
United States.
TPS meant that
citizens from Third World nations, which could not cope with war or disaster
were allowed to stay and work in the United States.
….Astute Futurists understand that there is a fierce urgency to
cull the American work force before the coming of A.I., Artificial
Intelligence, Robotics, and ROBOTS.
“….Say you dream of
sending your daughter off to Yale School of Medicine to become a radiologist. …...
that job is suddenly looking iffy as A.I. gets better at reading scans. A
start-up called Arterys, to cite just one example, already has a program that can
perform a magnetic-resonance imaging analysis of blood flow through a heart in
just 15 seconds, compared with the 45 minutes required by humans.
Maybe she wants to be
a surgeon, but that job may not be safe, either. Robots already assist surgeons
in removing damaged organs and cancerous tissue…. a prototype robotic surgeon
called STAR (Smart Tissue Autonomous Robot) outperformed human
surgeons in a test in which both had to repair the severed intestine of a live
…. Software programs are
already being used by companies including JPMorgan Chase & Company to scan legal papers and predict what documents are relevant,
saving lots of billable hours. Kira Systems, for example, has reportedly cut the time that some lawyers need to review contracts by
20 to 60 percent………
….What about other
glamour jobs, like airline pilot? Well, last spring, a robotic co-pilot developed
by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, known as Darpa, flew and landed a simulated 737….. As we move into the era of driverless cars, can pilotless
planes be far behind?
Then there is Wall
Street, where robots are already doing their best to shove Gordon Gekko out of
his corner office. Big banks are using software programs that can suggest bets,
construct hedges and act as robo-economists….….. the University of Oxford
Department of Engineering Science — surely the most sober of institutions —
estimated that 47 percent of current jobs, including insurance underwriter,
sports referee and loan officer, are at risk of falling victim to automation,
perhaps within a decade or two.
Just this week, the
McKinsey Global Institute released a report that found that a third of American workers may have to
switch jobs in the next dozen or so years because of A.I…… as for Uber drivers,
it is no secret that they are headed to that great parking garage in the sky;
the company recently announced plans to ...roll out a
driverless fleet between 2019 and 2021…..all of this stuff is happening now,
not 25 years from now......” NEW YORK TIMES.”
Soon, very soon, the
Republic will not be able to have enough jobs for its people; the answer to
that coming social catastrophe is to cull the labor force, by repatriating
illegal aliens, DACA Recipients, and TPS migrants.
…. The American Labor Pool must be culled, must be shrunk, before
the advent of robotics or all will be social turmoil; the Republic must
maintain the balance between human dignity and machine efficiency, and that can
only be accomplished by repatriating the pool of labor which should not be in
What Liberals don’t seem to understand is that their concern for growing
the workforce is misguided; the Republic must cull the work force in order to insure the viability of the American
working class as humans are replaced by
THE DAVOS ELITE, which gave the world Globalization and Mass
Migration over urinals, is currently plotting the decimation of the working class, DECIMATION
BY ROBOTICS. When that DECIMATION occurs, not if but when, the last standing
workers should be American, not illegal aliens, nor TPS migrants.
“ DAVOS, Switzerland — They’ll never admit it in public, but many
of your bosses want machines to replace you as soon as possible.
….In public, many executives wring their hands over the negative
consequences that artificial intelligence and automation could have for
workers. They take part in panel discussions about building “human-centered
A.I.” for the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” — Davos-speak for the corporate
adoption of machine learning and other advanced technology — and talk about the
need to provide a safety net for people who lose their jobs as a result of
But in private
settings, including meetings with the leaders of the many consulting and
technology firms whose pop-up storefronts line the Davos Promenade, these
executives tell a different story: They are racing to automate their own work
forces to stay ahead of the competition, with little regard for the impact on
All over the world,
executives are spending billions of dollars to transform their businesses into
lean, digitized, highly automated operations. They crave the fat profit margins
automation can deliver, and they see A.I. as a golden ticket to savings,
perhaps by letting them whittle departments with thousands of workers down to
just a few dozen.
......Few American executives will admit wanting to get rid of human
workers, a taboo in today’s age of inequality. So they’ve come up with a long
list of buzzwords and euphemisms to disguise their intent. Workers aren’t being
replaced by machines, they’re being “released” from onerous, repetitive tasks.
Companies aren’t laying off workers, they’re “undergoing digital
A 2017 survey by Deloitte found that
53 percent of companies had already started to use machines to perform tasks
previously done by humans. The figure is expected to climb to 72 percent by
next year.
The corporate elite’s
A.I. obsession has been lucrative for firms that specialize in “robotic process
automation,” or R.P.A. Infosys, which is based in India, reported a 33 percent
increase in year-over-year revenue in its digital division. ….a longtime
technology executive, predicts that artificial intelligence will eliminate
40 percent of the world’s jobs within 15 years. In an interview, he said
that chief executives were under enormous pressure from shareholders and boards
to maximize short-term profits, and that the rapid shift toward automation was
the inevitable result.
..... at a time of
political unrest and anti-elite movements on the progressive left and the
nationalist right, it’s probably not surprising that all of this automation is
happening quietly, out of public view. In Davos this week, several executives
declined to say how much money they had saved by automating jobs previously
done by humans. And none were willing to say publicly that replacing human
workers is their ultimate goal.
….For an unvarnished view of how some American leaders talk
about automation in private, you have to listen to their counterparts in Asia,
who often make no attempt to hide their aims. Terry Gou, the chairman of the
Taiwanese electronics manufacturer Foxconn, has said the company plans to
replace 80 percent of its workers with robots in the next five to 10 years……..
One common argument
made by executives is that workers whose jobs are eliminated by automation can
be “reskilled” to perform other jobs in an organization…. There are plenty of
stories of successful reskilling —— but there is little evidence that it works
at scale. A report by
the World Economic Forum this month estimated that of the 1.37 million workers
who are projected to be fully displaced by automation in the next decade, only
one in four can be profitably reskilled by private-sector programs. The rest,
presumably, will need to fend for themselves or rely on government assistance.
In Davos, executives tend to speak about automation as a natural
phenomenon over which they have no control, like hurricanes or heat waves. They
claim that if they don’t automate jobs as quickly as possible, their
competitors will…..NEW YORK TIMES.”
THE DAVOS ELITE will automate; it is
their version of the Highland Clearances(Cleansing the land of people
primarily to allow for the introduction of sheep pastoralism).
the Robots come into the factory, it will be impossible to save both the
American worker and the migrant. One has to be more valuable than the other.
This Blogger picks the American worker over the refugee, the asylum seeker, and/or the illegal alien.
that so wrong? Is that so immoral? Is that racist?
Or is that patriotic?

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