By now, Readers of this Blog,
should appreciate that this Blogger has a quirky view of current events; what
is profound to pundits is mere white noise to this Blogger; what is a throwaway
for pundits is profound to this Blogger.
Last week, two events happened,
one profound, and one white noise.
Pundits see the profound event
as Dr. Ford’s testimony at the Senate Judiciary Hearing condemning Supreme
Court Nominee Judge Kavanaugh, as a failed rapist.This Blogger considers that white
noise, cosmically irrelevant.
Pundits see a mob of Dr. Ford’s
supporters hounding Republican Senator Ted Cruz and his wife from a D.C.
restaurant as white noise; this Blogger considers that mob action profound.
(See picture below).
Dr. Ford’s testimony was unique
to this Republic; not many Republics base their continued existence of what two
teenagers did thirty five years ago. Dr. Ford’s moment in history is an anomaly,
and as such it can be weathered by the Republic.
However, the action of Dr.
Ford’s mob of supporters was eerily replicative;the Dr. Ford mob replicated the
actions of the Roman mobs of Clodius, which forecast the end of the Roman
That replicative mob inspired
this Blogger to seek the parallels between the Roman Republic and the American
ROMAN REPUBLIC at ITS PEAK-The Roman Republic lasted from
509 BC to 27BC.
Its high point was the Punic
Wars. There were three Punic Wars, Rome against the African power,
The First Punic War was a clash
of equals, for control of Sicily. Carthage was the leading naval power in the
world. Rome had no navy.
Then a
Carthaginian war ship ran aground on the coast of Italy. The Romans salvaged
it, and to their surprise discovered that the Carthaginians built their ships
using prefabricated and labelled parts. The Romans, who had no experience
whatsoever when it came to ship building and naval warfare, reverse engineered
the warship, disassembled it, then rebuilt it.
“This is how the Romans
learned to build ships. After this they simply turned out hundreds of copies of
the ship that they had found and in a very short time Rome had a powerful
fleet. Learning how to handle the ships and fight naval battles wasn't quite as
fast and painless of a process. However, with the typical Roman mentality of “nothing
is impossible if we have decided to do it”, they were able to
eventually match and defeat the Carthaginian navy to the extent that they could
control the waters around Sicily. This enabled Rome to gain control of Sicily
and defeat and expel the Carthaginian army presence that was there.”
If “nothing
is impossible if we have decided to do it”, sounds
familiar it is because that was the credo of the American Republic, until
multiculturalism subverted it and doomed it.
AMERICAN REPUBLIC at ITS PEAK-Rome built a Navy from scratch
to win a war against a formidable enemy.
Sound familiar?
“In 1939,
total aircraft production for the US military was less than 3,000 planes. By
the end of the war, America produced 300,000 planes”
…. In
1939, the United States Army ranked thirty-ninth in the world, possessing a
cavalry force of fifty thousand and using horses to pull the artillery…... If
the American military wasn’t yet equal to the Germans or the Japanese, American
workers could build ships and planes faster than the enemy could sink them or shoot
them down.
In the
wake of Pearl Harbor, the president set staggering goals for the nation’s
factories: 60,000 aircraft in 1942 and 125,000 in 1943; 120,000 tanks in the
same time period and 55,000 antiaircraft guns. ….. The average Ford car had
some 15,000 parts. The B-24 Liberator long-range bomber had 1,550,000.
….. America
launched more vessels in 1941 than Japan did in the entire war. Shipyards
turned out tonnage so fast that by the autumn of 1943 all Allied shipping sunk
since 1939 had been replaced. In 1944 alone, the United States built more
planes than the Japanese did from 1939 to 1945. By the end of the war, more
than half of all industrial production in the world would take place in the
United States.
million men marched off to war…..Many factories ran around the clock. “It was
seven days a week,……., it was twelve-hour days five days a week, ten hours on
Saturday, eight hours on Sunday…..”
In the
three years following the Battle of Midway, the Japanese built six aircraft
carriers. The U.S. built 17.
American industry provided
almost two-thirds of all the Allied military equipment produced during the war:
297,000 aircraft, 193,000 artillery pieces, 86,000 tanks and two million army
REPUBLIC-The Decline of the Roman
Republic began in 91 BC with the Social War, fought between Rome and its Italian
neighbors over who had the human right to be a Roman citizen. Sound familiar?
As a
consequence of the Social War, Sulla assumed defacto control over Rome, as
anointed dictator.
Sulla was a
disaster for the Republic because he started taking advice of how to rule Rome,
and its army from entertainers, especially from the female impersonator
Plutarch, the
Roman historian mentioned Metrobius in his historical tome, PARALLEL
"It was this laxity,….
which produced in him [Sulla] a diseased propensity to amorous indulgence and
an unrestrained voluptuousness….he consorted with actresses, harpists, and
theatrical people, drinking with them on couches all day long. For these were
the men who had most influence with him now: Roscius the comedian, Sorex the
archmime, and Metrobius the impersonator of women, for whom, though past his
prime, he continued up to the last to be passionately fond, and made no denial
of it."
After Sulla set policy by
listening to entertainers, the Roman Army would no longer fight for the
Republic. When Caesar crossed the Rubicon with a depleted legion to impose his
will on the Republic, Pompey, the Defender of the Republic, could not raise an
Army in Italy to fight for the Republic. He fled to Greece.
Sound familiar?
THE DECLINE OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC- In 1945, with a population of
145 million, America had 16 million under arms; in 2018, with a population of
330 million, the American Army fell short of its recruitment goals by 6500.
US Army missed its recruiting goal this year, falling short by about
6,500 soldiers, despite pouring an extra $200 million into bonuses and
approving some additional waivers for bad conduct or health issues…AP.”.
Why did
the American Army fail to recruit sufficient recruits from a population base
twice the size of the population which defeated the Nazis and Imperial Japan?
President Obama took the advice of a singer, Lady Gaga, on how to run the Army.
Very Sulla, President Obama.
late 2010, after the Democrats had lost the control of the House to Republicans
but before Republicans could assume command, in the Lame Duck Session,
Democrats passed a law Repealing DON’T ASK/DON’T TELL.The Repeal allowed Open
Service for Gay soldiers, and was done at the bidding of a performer, Lady
Blogger opposed the Repeal; he considered it gratuitous, entropic,
sophomoric and dangerous, very dangerous. Even before the Repeal, this
Blogger predicted the immutable consequences of Repeal. On October 15, 2010,
this Blogger published a critique and prediction.
Blogger predicted that the REPEAL OF DON’T ASK/DON’T TELL would cause an
inevitable decrease in the number of American male volunteers; which INEXORABLY
would result in a reinstatement of the Draft, and the inclusion of American
Girls into that reinstated Draft. The American Military will be incapable of
meeting its recruitment goals because American Males won't volunteer (Thank
you Lady Gaga)...THE DAILY GRAND and SUNDRY."
THE END OF THE ROMAN REPUBLIC-By 60 BC, it was obvious to
Roman citizens that the Republic was doomed; Caesar knew it, so did Pompey, so
did Cicero. Cicero merely doubted which one would overthrow the Republic,
Caesar or Pompey, for both had cavalierly broken Roman law, and Senate Rules.
The Roman Senate broke down into
petty feuds, incapable of managing an empire.
Clodius, a champion of Liberals, decided to take his feuds to the streets. He organized gangs of ruffians who besieged Cicero, and Pompey in their homes, not allowing them to walk the streets of Rome or eat in public places( Sound familiar Ted Cruz?).
was not popular with right wingers, Cicero said:” …if the Republic
must be destroyed by someone, let it at least be destroyed by a real man.”
Clodius’ transvestism was
held against him; “Publius
Clodius, out from his saffron dress, from his headdress, from his slippers
and his purple ribbons, from his breast band, from his dereliction, from his
lust, is suddenly rendered a democrat.Cicero”.
house in Rome, and his country villas were destroyed by Clodius’
was exiled.
accepted the concept that violence and physical force had become the main
means of maintaining dominance in Roman politics.(Sound familiar?)
Clodius organized gangs of antifa thugs “ to control the streets of Rome by driving off the supporters of his political opponents.The men were attacking any politician who dared confront their patron by means of various forms of harassment, including accosting and beating in the streets, loud booing, showering with filth at the games, besieging houses by throwing rocks or even weapons and even attempting to burn them. Thus the opposition to Clodius was muted, and he became the "king of the Roman streets".
culminated his harassment by organising an attempt to assassinate Pompey; his
gangs set up a blockade of his house, forcing Pompey to stay at home until the
end of the year to avoid the attacks.”
inside his house, Pompey gave Milo permission to raise right wing gangs, with
ex-gladiators as leaders and trainers.
came home; Clodius attacked the workmen who were rebuilding Cicero's house at
public cost, assaulted Cicero himself in the street and set fire to the house
of Cicero's younger brother.
street fights erupted all over Rome between Clodius’ gangs and Milo’s gangs.
one day, January 18, 52 BC, Clodius was returning to Rome by way of
the Appian Way.
happenstance, he met Milo and his supporters going the other way.
two gangs passed, without incident,until the last two men in Clodius’ entourage
mocked Milo’s gladiators.
broke out.
rode down from the head of the column to see what was happening, and a Milo
gladiator wounded him.
rode up, and decided to finish the job; Clodius was killed.
supporters rioted in Rome, burning down the Curia; Pompey seized power.
Caesar in Gaul decided that Pompey’s seizure was a bridge too far, and crossed
the Rubicon, beginning the endgame for the Republic, after nearly half a
millennium of existence.
Roman Republic fell when its mono-cultural Elite transformed itself
into a multicultural band of mini warlords, listening to entertainers.
where does the 2018 American Republic stand on its trek to oblivion?
Friedman is a prestigious pundit for the NEW YORK TIMES; The following is from
his October 3, 2018 column.
“I began my journalism career covering a civil war in Lebanon. I
never thought I’d end my career covering a civil war in America.We may not be
there yet, but if we don’t turn around now, we will surely get where we’re
going — which was best described by Senator Jeff Flake on Monday: “Tribalism is
ruining us. It is tearing our country apart. It is no way for sane adults to
….we can’t find common ground
on which to respectfully disagree; the other side is “the enemy.”
We shout at each other on
television, unfollow each other on Facebook and fire verbal mortars at each
other on Twitter — and now everyone is on the digital battlefield, not just
politicians. Across the land, before dinner parties or block parties, the
refrain “I hope none of them will be there” is uttered with increasing
frequency, referring no longer to people of another race or religion — bad
enough — but to people from a different political party....
...That’s why our generation’s
civil war is so hard to bring to a truce. There are so many fronts. There’s the
battle between those who feel the American dream has slipped from
their grasp and those who can easily pass it on to their kids. There’s the one
between rural small-town Americans and “globalized” city slickers, who, the
small-town folks are sure, look down upon them. There’s the fight between the
white working-class Americans who feel that their identities are being lost in
an increasingly minority-majority country and the Americans who embrace
multiculturalism. And there’s the struggle between men who believe that their
gender still confers certain powers and privileges and the women challenging
that. There are so many fields of dispute.…. In a tribal world it’s rule or
die, compromise is a sin, enemies must be crushed and power
must be held at all costs….THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN.”
This Blogger continues to be amazed that Liberals cannot
comprehend a simple equation-
that is too difficult for Liberals to learn, perhaps they can comprehend this-
WEIMAR DIVERSITY ( think Clodius, Metrobius,

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