In 2015, Gerry Maxey Condemned Obama's Army for Supporting Afghan Pedophilia;in 2018 a Secret Report Reveals Condemnation Justified
In 2015, this Blogger condemned the American Army for supporting Afghan Bacha Bazi, the grooming of young boys for sex by Afghan men.
On September 29, 2015, this Blogger published: The Lady Gaga Rot in the American Military supports Bachi Bazi
The following is excerpted from that Blog:
“…….How can a few Taliban defeat American trained Military? Because the Taliban, thanks to the Lady Gaga Rot in the American Military, has moral authority over the American trained Afghan Military.
…... The Taliban is known to be against public corruption; the Taliban is known to advocate a Puritanical life style; the Taliban is known to vehemently oppose Modernity; the Taliban is known to oppose "bacha bazi.
This Blogger has vehemently opposed the REPEAL OF DON’T ASK/DON’T TELL, for he feared that the Repeal would undermine the moral raison d’être of the Evangelical Christian combat soldiers who do the majority of fighting, killing and dying for the Republic.
Repeal was fueled by a video made by the rock performer Lady Gaga; the Repeal brought Millennial Trendy Justice to the American Military, but also introduced Lady Gaga Rot into the Military, the institutionalized inability to make traditional moral decisions.
The Afghan Military is being trained by Americans without a discernible moral base; in fact , under the current regime of Lady Gaga Rot, American service members with a discernible moral base are being punished for exercising moral decisions.
The American Military, in thralldom to Lady Gaga Rot, punished two American Special Forces soldiers after they tried to free a young Afghan boy who was being used as a sex slave by a corrupt Afghan commander.
Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland and Capt. Danny Quinn beat up the Afghan commander after they discovered that the commander had repeatedly raped an 11-year-old boy and beaten the boy's mother.
Defense Secretary Ashton Carter forced Martland out of the Army; Quinn lost his command and resigned.
The American Army defends ending the careers of Martland and Quinn for defending an 11 year-old boy from future violation by this statement given to the DAILY BEAST: “They put their team's life at risk by doing what they did, by risking catastrophic loss of rapport" with local Afghan officials.”
In Afghanistan the practice of men sexually abusing boys is called, "bacha bazi," which translates to "boy play."
Under Lady Gaga Rot, the American Army, which landed on the beaches of Normandy to take Europe back from Hitler, has become defenders of abusers of boys.
“A recent story in the New York Times asserted that U.S. military personnel in Afghanistan have been ordered to ignore instances of children being molested by adults….. LOS ANGELES TIMES”.
The Taliban fighter knows that the Afghan Army is being trained and supported by the American Military; a Military, since the inception of Lady Gaga Rot, which supports and perhaps encourages the rape and sex slavery of Afghan boys.
The Afghan soldiers also know that they are being trained by supporters and enablers of bachi bazi. Why should they fight hard to maintain pederasty?
In the midst of military defeats based on the American Military’s support of bachi bazi, President Obama has nominated Eric Fanning to be the first openly Gay Army secretary....……; at his Senate Confirmation Hearings,the cases of Martland and Quinn must be explored.
As Under Secretary of the Army, President Obama has nominated the dumbest man in America, former Congressman Patrick Murphy.
The Lady Gaga Rot just keeps on rolling; the Taliban rejoices….THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.”
Now, in 2018, a report (which was classfied SECRET until 2042)has been released which unveils the full extent of the American Army’s support of pederasty, pedophilia and bacha bazi in Afghanistan under President Obama and his minions.
“On 5,753 occasions from 2010 to 2016, the United States military reported accusations of “gross human rights abuses” by the Afghan military, including many examples of child sexual abuse. If true, American law required military aid to be cut off to the offending unit.
Not once did that happen.
That was among the findings in an investigation into child sexual abuse by the Afghan security forces and the supposed indifference of the American military to the problem,…..
……..(the Report) marked “Secret/ No Foreign,” with the recommendation that it remain classified until June 9, 2042. The report was finished in June 2017, but it appears to have included data only through 2016, before the Trump administration took office.
The report released on Monday was heavily redacted, and at least in the public portions it did little to answer questions about how prevalent child sexual abuse was in the Afghan military and police, and how commonly the American military looked the other way at the widespread practice of bacha bazi, or “boy play,” in which some Afghan commanders keep underage boys as sex slaves.
…..A former Special Forces officer, Capt. Dan Quinn, who beat up an Afghan commander for keeping a boy chained to his bed as a sex slave, said at the time that he had been relieved of his command as a result. “We were putting people into power who would do things that were worse than the Taliban did,” said Captain Quinn, who has left the military.
Sgt. First Class Charles Martland, a highly decorated Green Beret, was forced out of the military after beating up an Afghan local police commander in Kunduz who was a child rapist. Sergeant Martland became incensed after the Afghan commander abducted the boy, raped him, then beat up the boy’s mother when she tried to rescue him. Congressional inquiries apparently led to Sergeant Martland’s reinstatement.
The Times article also cited the suspicious death of Lance Cpl. Gregory Buckley Jr., a United States Marine who was killed at a checkpoint where he was stationed with a notorious commander who had a retinue of bacha bazi boys. Corporal Buckley had complained about that commander and was killed, along with two other Marines, by one of the commander’s boys…..NEW YORK TIMES.1-24-2018”
Lady Gaga,Rachel Maddow, Admiral Mike Mullen, Anderson Cooper and all the misinformed Judges and Liberals who imposed Lady Gaga Rot on the American Military stand complicit in the murders of Corporal Buckley and his comrades in arms for their belief that the American Military should oppose selling young boys into sex slavery.

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