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Malcolm X predicts the Republican Party: "Maybe the revolution is even bigger than..... you are imagining"

"Maybe the revolution is even bigger than .... you are imagining "

For my foreign Readers, MSNBC is a cable news channel, which is smugly liberal. Currently it is mired in a swamp of befuddled disbelief; it cannot figure out if the right wing Republican Party is still a functioning political party.

MSNBC’s general consensus is that the Republican Party is still a functioning party,  but in tatters. Let this Blogger take this occasion to disabuse MSNBC of its consensus. The Republican Party is not currently a political party; the Republican Party is currently a revolutionary party, fractionized among the following: Carlists, Falangists, Know Nothings, Cristeros, Boulangists, Roundheads, Girondists, Montagnards, Gaullists, Syndicalists, Anarcho-syndicalists, Jacobites( the current Bushies) and Jacobins. 

The Bolsheviks of the Republican Party are the Roundheads of the Party, the Cromwellian wing of Christian devotees prepared to engage in Holy War against their fellow citizens at the appropriate time.

The best way to understand the Republican Party, circa 2015, is to read the epic speech given by the legendary Black icon, Malcolm X,  on April 3, 1964 in Cleveland Ohio.  That epic speech was named, THE BALLOT OR THE BULLET. If we don't do something real soon, I think you'll have to agree that we're going to be forced either to use the ballot or the bullet. It's one or the other ….. It isn't that time is running out -- time has run out!..... America's conscience is bankrupt. She lost all conscience a long time ago. Uncle Sam has no conscience.

They don't know what morals are. They don't try and eliminate an evil because it's evil, or because it's illegal, or because it's immoral; they eliminate it only when it threatens their existence. So you're wasting your time appealing to the moral conscience of a bankrupt man like Uncle Sam. If he had a conscience, he'd straighten this thing out with no more pressure being put upon him….MALCOLM X”.

The American Liberal Establishment has cavalierly imposed social change  on the American people,  much like the Shah of Iran imposed social change on the traditional Persian people; an imposition which resulted in Revolution.  Is there any doubt why the Republican Party is a Revolutionary Party, what with all the social change imposed by President Obama on traditional Americans. In the near future, the Republican Party has the potential of being the American Sinn Féin, the political wing of an armed movement.

Stanley Greenberg is a Democratic Party pollster and political strategist, famed for his work with Bill Clinton and Al Gore.  He just wrote a book: “America Ascendant: A Revolution Nation`s Path to Addressing Its Deepest Problems and Leading the 21st Century".

Greenberg was a guest on MSNBC’s ALL IN with CHRIS HAYES on November 2, 2015.

The following is excerpted from that appearance:

HAYES: You have been in politics a while. Have you ever seen anything like
what is going on institutionally with the Republican Party right now?

STANLEY GREENBERG, DEMOCRATIC POLLSTER AND POLITICAL STRATEGIST: No. …..We have watched a Republican Party that`s mounted a ferocious  counterrevolution to the trends in this country. It`s built over a decade. And the voters that are backing these candidates want these candidates to be fighting the party, fighting the leadership. They failed them.

And I think we are watching the Republican -- modern Republican Party
butt naked.

HAYES: There`s a chapter in your book called "The death of the
Republican Party." I mean, this is something -- I guess the question is
how deep is that? Are we watching an actual organizational institutional
collapse like we only see every 100 years or so in American politics?

GREENBERG: I didn`t think it would be brazen as this. …. there are factions at war. They`re going to play out obviously in this primary process.

But I think it`s the end of a process. I mean, this is all against
these huge trends in the country. Huge changes that are producing a
growing American majority that -- whose values they are fighting…..

HAYES: This is -- the thesis here is fairly optimistic. It`s in line
with some earlier writing of the emerging Democratic majority. The chair`s
some sort of feature of this, that we have this sort of essentially
governing progressive majority in America as exemplified by these -- the
2008-2012 elections. ….

GREENBERG: I think you have to have a sense of history because I
think we will look back on this period and say this is the end of a period
in which they fought ferociously to keep this new American majority from
governing and from governing with the values it brings to every day.

And the -- if you look at their mobilizing these voters, every
election was nationalized in order to stop the Obama Democrats from
achieving. But we talk about huge changes. We`ve gone from 51 percent of
the country being this new American majority to 63 percent in just four

HAYES: What do you mean? Define that. What is that?

GREENBERG: If you look at racial minorities, you look at single
women, you look at millennials, you look at seculars, you`re talking about
63 percent of the electorate and it`s growing at an extraordinary pace,
because the changes taking place in the country are taking place at that

And, by the way, I don`t assume the Republican Party`s dead.

HAYES: Right.

GREENBERG: First of all, they will battle from the rural areas that
are biases in the system that enable to continue the fight. But they will
know I think if they have a shattering election which I think is largely
given by the scale of these changes, that they themselves have to deal with
the new changes. …. I think the critical ones I focus in on are the Tea Party anti-immigration fight for American jobs more working class. That`s about a quarter of the base. You have about half are religious conservatives, evangelicals dominate……And then you have moderates who are moderate ideologically and religiously, about a quarter of the electorate.

What I think you`re watching is these candidates fighting within those

 And so, that`s why I think Trump is sustaining his support
and it`s why I think Carson is doing very well, but Cruz could well emerge
out of that bloc. ….ALL IN”.

Greenberg’s thesis is that Republicans will have to learn to live with losing election after election and become, evolve, into “wets” on Same-Sex Marriage, Illegal Immigration and Legalization of Drugs. Greenberg’s thesis is that Republicans will never defeat the Obama Ascendants again in Presidential elections, and will have to accept, without violence, the social engineering pioneered by President Obama.

Mr. Greenberg's contention is that the American bloodline, which fought in the Cowpens, in the Wheat Field, in the Bloody Lane, at the Bloody Angle, on Omaha Beach, on Guadalcanal will accept constant electoral defeat by a coalition of recent immigrants without  a blood memory of American sacrifice, feminists, transgenders, phalanxes of Jose Antonio Vargas clones and confused Millennials.

Mr. Greenberg believes that resignation will follow the ballot ; but what Malcolm X understood and Mr. Greenberg does not understand is that the alternative to resignation is the bullet.

On November 1, 2015, Greenberg was on ABC’s THIS WEEK with George Stephanopoulos.

The following is excerpted from that interview:

STAN GREENBERG, AUTHOR, "AMERICA ASCENDANT": They are, you know, they -- when they look at what's happening to politics, when they look at the tough economy, they're right. ….. We're talking about ….. cultural changes that are making us exceptional.

STEPHANOPOULOS: And I see you nodding your head. Revolution is happening.

KRISTIN SOLTIS-ANDERSON, AUTHOR, "THE SELFIE VOTE": …. Stan is also right that a lot of Americans are a bit anxious about the sort of seed (ph) of the changes that we've -- we've been seeing in the last couple of years.

STEPHANOPOULOS: And that gets into how the parties are responding to these changes and the people who feel terrified. I think you both also agree that this is a challenge to Republicans. …..

SOLTIS-ANDERSON: …. unfortunately a lot of young voters, they hear the word Republican and they think it stands for something that's old, something that's of the past, it stands for the values of the 1950s, at worst, or the 1980s, at best. ……
GREENBERG: ….. the Republican Party. It's battling in a ferocious counter-revolution, you know, against these huge changes taking place in the country. 

And they're trying to keep this new American majority from governing successfully. And that will -- you know, that will turn out badly. It -- it's alienating them from the country and from millennials, but it's alienating them from the country. -- we have a Republican Party which has been fighting a culture war. It's a divided party. ….

Then George Stephanopoulos asked THE QUESTION of the year-

STEPHANOPOULOS: Take the notion of a revolution, extrapolate it out. Maybe the revolution is even bigger than either one of you are imagining and neither party can respond to it.

GREENBERG: I'm -- I'm pausing because you may be right. …THIS WEEK”

When Malcolm X gave his speech about the ballot or the bullet it was the black population of America contemplating those choices.

In 2015, after being battered by the social changes cascading down from President Obama and his triumphalist Ascendants, it is the white population pondering the ballot or the bullet.

In the seventh year of the Age of Obama, it is America’s white native population which is terrified of the social and demographic changes all around them.

This Blogger does believe it is reasonable to anticipate that this terrified native white population may opt for the bullet when the ballot inevitably fails.

Why does this Blogger think so?

First the native white population in America is armed to the teeth, with close to 190 million guns; it is seductive  for them to think that  they can roll back Obama’s social change by use of the bullet.

Secondly, what have they got to lose in a potentially suicidal Last Stand against Obama’s social changes? They are dying at an alarming rate anyway.

A large segment of white middle-aged Americans has suffered a startling rise in its death rate since 1999, according to a review of statistics published Monday that shows a sharp reversal in decades of progress toward longer lives.
The mortality rate for white men and women ages 45-54 with less than a college education increased markedly between 1999 and 2013, most likely because of problems with legal and illegal drugs, alcohol and suicide, the researchers concluded. Before then, death rates for that group dropped steadily, and at a faster pace.
An increase in the mortality rate for any large demographic group in an advanced nation has been virtually unheard of in recent decades, with the exception of Russian men after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

….“Half a million people are dead who should not be dead,about 40 times the Ebola stats. You’re getting up there with HIV-AIDS.” …..the WASHINGTON POST.”
The stresses of coping with Obama’s Social Changes are killing American white people; they are dying out of fear that Obama has social engineered them into living in a Godless Republic. Since they are dying anyway, sooner or later they will opt to die in a Cromwellian Exercise;that was the Jungian basis for the Russian Revolution against the Czar; if we continue as is we will die, better to die in a Revolution.

“Maybe the revolution is even bigger than … you are imagining”


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