Blogger has had some empirical experiences with the American Military; enough to
be stunningly bewildered by the Millennial Liberal attitude toward the American
Since no Millennial Liberals have been drafted and infinitesimal numbers have volunteered, they have no empirical experience with the American Military. Consequently, they work within the naïve matrix that the American Military is a socially backward all men’s social club, such as the Garrick Club, “the plush, "gentlemen only" member's club in London's West End” or the Caledonia Club (of which Prince Phillip is a member) or the Reform Club, where PHILEAS FOGG made his bet to go around the world in 80 days.
Millennial Liberals think that the American Military is a bastion of “clubbablity”, and that the bastion can be reformed without imperiling the security of the Republic.
Millennial Liberals truly believe that Semper fidelis is merely about clubbability.
Millennial Liberals truly believe that to make the American Military a better fighting force, better than the force which took Guadalcanal, all they must do is make the clubbability more inclusive, by indulging in social engineering, by adding women, by adding openly serving Gays and by adding Transgenders to the club. President Obama concurs with that Liberal litany.
This Blogger does not believe that the American Military is about clubbability but about killing; the clubbability is a by-product of the killing. It is the willingness to kill, and die which binds the Military, not the social graces of clubbability. The Military is not a social organization, but a killing machine masquerading as a social club.
Lady Gaga is a Millennial American performer, who once saw Tab Hunter in an old World War II movie and decided that Gays should openly serve in the American Military; she made a video about the subject.
The Obama Ascendants flocked to her Millennial standard, and a lame duck Democratic Congress Repealed DON’T ASK/DON’T TELL, the President Clinton policy which barred Gays from openly serving in the American Military.
At the time of the Repeal, a Millennial Liberal, with political connections, called this Blogger and asked for his opinion about the Repeal.
This Blogger stressed his strong opposition to the Repeal.
The Millennial Liberal said,” Gerry, there are many Gays being discriminated against in the Service; that has to end.”
This Blogger answered:”Who cares? The point of the Military is not to end discrimination against Gays but to give up their lives in hand to hand combat to defend Gay Americans on Castro Street, in Key West, in Palm Springs, in Greenwich Village, in West Hollywood, at Stonewall. The point of the American Military is to train killers and then tame those trained killers. Who cares if the American military discriminates against Gays, as long as they defend American Gays, up to and including sacrificing their lives?
This Blogger’s advice was not taken.
The Lady Gaga Repeal was passed; and Admiral Mullin( Admiral Gaga) set the Lady Gaga Rot in motion in the American Military.
Since the Lady Gaga Rot has gone into effect, in 2011; since the American Military has become more concerned about Social Engineering than winning wars, the American Military has lost two wars, in Afghanistan and in Iraq.
Now the new Secretary of Defense is worried about transgenders in the American Military, all 15,000 of them in a Military of 1.4 million souls.
“Defense Secretary Ash Carter signaled support for allowing transgender individuals to serve in the military…MILITARYTIMES”.
“Women In The Military Nearly 6 Times More Likely To Commit Suicide Than Civilian Women ….MEDICAL DAILY”
Why is the suicide rate so high for female veterans? Because they have been asked by the demands of Social Engineering to compete in War, to compete in killing, and 5,000 years of recorded history have shown that females have a difficult time competing in War. But Millennial Logic is above the lessons of 5,000 years of History, and female veterans pay the price.
And there is the rub; the American Military was at its apex when its soldiers were not concerned about their career paths, but only about how to kill the enemies of the Republic, the Alvin Yorks, the Audie Murphys, the Charles Rangels, Ira Hayes , the 442 Combat Regiment.
The Military does not need map readers to defend the Republic against ISIS and the ZETAS. The American Military is not a Jobs Program, and for our own well being we must stop sanitizing its purpose. Its job, mission, raison d’être is to kill the enemies of the Republic and come home alive.
If 1.4 million transgenders can do the job of defending the Republic, sobeit, make the Military all transgender; if 1.4 million Hope Solos will sacrifice their limbs and lives for the Republic, sobeit, let the Military be all female; if 1.4 million Anderson Coopers and/or Neil Patrick Harrises will kill for the Republic, sobeit, let us have a Military of Gays.
However, if Gays, Females and Transgenders are transgressive to the majority of the Christian soldiers who do the fighting, killing and dying in combat, then the Military has a morale problem, which cannot be resolved as the enemies of America close in.
One of the by-products of Social Engineering the American Military is that Generals who can win wars are passed over for Generals who are enthusiastic about Social Engineering.
General Joseph Dunford has been recently nominated to become Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff. “President Barack Obama plans to nominate Marine Gen. Joe Dunford, … who is widely considered one of the president’s closest military confidants, to be the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff…POLITICO”
Dunford’s claims to fame are that he supports Social Engineering and he presided over the lost war in Afghanistan.
He may also be a crook.
But a Social Engineering crook.
““KORNACKI:….. the war in Afghanistan in particular has been this never
ending font of ever more astonishing stories about stuff that we, the U.S.
taxpayers, have built, that we physically created or bought or arranged to
be procured for this war that are absolutely unneeded. That are in some
cases worst than wasteful.
Lady Gaga ruining the American Military
Since no Millennial Liberals have been drafted and infinitesimal numbers have volunteered, they have no empirical experience with the American Military. Consequently, they work within the naïve matrix that the American Military is a socially backward all men’s social club, such as the Garrick Club, “the plush, "gentlemen only" member's club in London's West End” or the Caledonia Club (of which Prince Phillip is a member) or the Reform Club, where PHILEAS FOGG made his bet to go around the world in 80 days.
Millennial Liberals think that the American Military is a bastion of “clubbablity”, and that the bastion can be reformed without imperiling the security of the Republic.
Millennial Liberals truly believe that Semper fidelis is merely about clubbability.
Millennial Liberals truly believe that to make the American Military a better fighting force, better than the force which took Guadalcanal, all they must do is make the clubbability more inclusive, by indulging in social engineering, by adding women, by adding openly serving Gays and by adding Transgenders to the club. President Obama concurs with that Liberal litany.
This Blogger does not believe that the American Military is about clubbability but about killing; the clubbability is a by-product of the killing. It is the willingness to kill, and die which binds the Military, not the social graces of clubbability. The Military is not a social organization, but a killing machine masquerading as a social club.
Lady Gaga is a Millennial American performer, who once saw Tab Hunter in an old World War II movie and decided that Gays should openly serve in the American Military; she made a video about the subject.
The Obama Ascendants flocked to her Millennial standard, and a lame duck Democratic Congress Repealed DON’T ASK/DON’T TELL, the President Clinton policy which barred Gays from openly serving in the American Military.
At the time of the Repeal, a Millennial Liberal, with political connections, called this Blogger and asked for his opinion about the Repeal.
This Blogger stressed his strong opposition to the Repeal.
The Millennial Liberal said,” Gerry, there are many Gays being discriminated against in the Service; that has to end.”
This Blogger answered:”Who cares? The point of the Military is not to end discrimination against Gays but to give up their lives in hand to hand combat to defend Gay Americans on Castro Street, in Key West, in Palm Springs, in Greenwich Village, in West Hollywood, at Stonewall. The point of the American Military is to train killers and then tame those trained killers. Who cares if the American military discriminates against Gays, as long as they defend American Gays, up to and including sacrificing their lives?
This Blogger’s advice was not taken.
The Lady Gaga Repeal was passed; and Admiral Mullin( Admiral Gaga) set the Lady Gaga Rot in motion in the American Military.
Since the Lady Gaga Rot has gone into effect, in 2011; since the American Military has become more concerned about Social Engineering than winning wars, the American Military has lost two wars, in Afghanistan and in Iraq.
Now the new Secretary of Defense is worried about transgenders in the American Military, all 15,000 of them in a Military of 1.4 million souls.
“Defense Secretary Ash Carter signaled support for allowing transgender individuals to serve in the military…MILITARYTIMES”.
The American Military is
bitter from losing two wars, and licking its wounds; for those wounds, the only
salve President Obama and Secretary Carter offer is open service for
Transgenders. Lady Gaga Rot is founded
on mis-prioritizations.
On November 11, 2011 this
Blogger published this in THE DAILY GRAND and SUNDRY.
“During the Repeal fight,
pro Repeal propagandists led by Anderson Cooper and Admiral Mullen,
misled the American public into believing that women in the services
were being protected, and that Gays in the Service could be…..Case in Point.
the following is from the Blog: AndersonCooper Vs. The Truth about Women in the
Military....... This quote from Anderson Cooper's
360 CNN Program.
think the military will be able to adapt as a body of professionals into the
repeal of don't ask, don't tell, and eliminate these derogatory anti-gay slurs,
just as they have been able to transition with racial integration and
with female integration."
That is both
pure propaganda, and balderdash; in reality, outside of Repeal DON'T ASK, DON'T
TELL propaganda, this is what is
happening in the US Armed Forces.
in the military are twice as likely to be victims of sexual assault as their
civilian counterparts, studies show,while sexual abuse is the leading cause of
post-traumatic stress disorder among female soldiers."
In 2015, the
true price on female veterans of Social
Engineering is being revealed:
“Women In The Military Nearly 6 Times More Likely To Commit Suicide Than Civilian Women ….MEDICAL DAILY”
Why is the suicide rate so high for female veterans? Because they have been asked by the demands of Social Engineering to compete in War, to compete in killing, and 5,000 years of recorded history have shown that females have a difficult time competing in War. But Millennial Logic is above the lessons of 5,000 years of History, and female veterans pay the price.
“The thinking goes
that if a female soldier can meet the necessary physical standards, there is no
reason why she should not fight. Besides, a larger pool of candidates for the
grittiest jobs will strengthen elite units. Women can also bring different
skills to bear, according to Captain Katherine Fichtner of the army: the
female Ranger School trainees were particularly good at planning and navigation,
better map-readers…(giving the lie to
that old adage about women and maps).
…. although women are smaller than men and have
weaker upper bodies, effective training can build up both stamina and strength.
The most important thing,…. is to find women with an appetite for combat.
Elaine Donnelly, president of the Centre for
Military Readiness, disagrees. “There is no evidence that women are the
physical equal of men in the combat arms.You cannot deploy people who are not
capable, that will endanger both women and men.”
… After more than two
years and attempts by 29 women, not one has passed the marine corps’ infantry
officer course. Most fail the combat endurance test—a gruelling day’s march
carrying 80lb of kit, followed by an obstacle course with 20-foot climbing
ropes…. female service members’ marriages fail at three times the rate that
male service members’ do. This means that 12% of active-duty women bring up
children alone, compared with 4% of men.
Armed forces that
adapt to the needs of their female members will probably keep them longer,
making the time and cost of training them more worthwhile.
That in turn will
make the forces a more attractive career—and as more women enlist, their
demands will become harder to ignore….THE ECONOMIST”
And there is the rub; the American Military was at its apex when its soldiers were not concerned about their career paths, but only about how to kill the enemies of the Republic, the Alvin Yorks, the Audie Murphys, the Charles Rangels, Ira Hayes , the 442 Combat Regiment.
The Military does not need map readers to defend the Republic against ISIS and the ZETAS. The American Military is not a Jobs Program, and for our own well being we must stop sanitizing its purpose. Its job, mission, raison d’être is to kill the enemies of the Republic and come home alive.
If 1.4 million transgenders can do the job of defending the Republic, sobeit, make the Military all transgender; if 1.4 million Hope Solos will sacrifice their limbs and lives for the Republic, sobeit, let the Military be all female; if 1.4 million Anderson Coopers and/or Neil Patrick Harrises will kill for the Republic, sobeit, let us have a Military of Gays.
However, if Gays, Females and Transgenders are transgressive to the majority of the Christian soldiers who do the fighting, killing and dying in combat, then the Military has a morale problem, which cannot be resolved as the enemies of America close in.
One of the by-products of Social Engineering the American Military is that Generals who can win wars are passed over for Generals who are enthusiastic about Social Engineering.
General Joseph Dunford has been recently nominated to become Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff. “President Barack Obama plans to nominate Marine Gen. Joe Dunford, … who is widely considered one of the president’s closest military confidants, to be the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff…POLITICO”
Dunford’s claims to fame are that he supports Social Engineering and he presided over the lost war in Afghanistan.
He may also be a crook.
But a Social Engineering crook.
““KORNACKI:….. the war in Afghanistan in particular has been this never
ending font of ever more astonishing stories about stuff that we, the U.S.
taxpayers, have built, that we physically created or bought or arranged to
be procured for this war that are absolutely unneeded. That are in some
cases worst than wasteful.
instance, the incredibly melting Afghan police training center that we spent half a million dollars of it. It melts when it rains.
there`s a fleet of airplanes we bought for Afghanistan for $468 million and then ended up shredding into scrap for 6 cents a pound. That`s a loss of 99.93 percent on that investment.
there were the giant incinerators we installed on a U.S. base for $5 million that never incinerated anything because they never worked. So, the base just torched all its waste in an open air burn pit next to the incense raters.
one of the most expensive of all these was this marine headquarters in Helman province. It`s larger than a football field. It has elaborate state of the artwork spaces for 1,500 people. It has a state of the art briefing theater and a military operations center that included stadium-style tiered seating. It cost $36 million to build and it has never, not once, been used.
you can see the plastic wrap is still on the chairs. What sets this boondoggle apart, what was particularly inexplicable about it was that the military said no to building it, repeatedly. Not one, not two, but three generals on the ground requested that the projects be canceled before
construction had even begun. They said, please, don`t build this. We don`t need it. By the time
construction had even begun. They said, please, don`t build this. We don`t need it. By the time
it`s finished, we`ll be drawing down from Afghanistan, anyway.
fact, construction didn`t even begin until troops were about to start heading home from Afghanistan. But even as the base emptied out, construction continued for two years until it was 98 percent complete and furnished, despite all those people saying no. So now it`s sitting there
vacant and ready for someone else to get presumably some new U.S. taxpayer contract to knock it down. It`s never been used. ….
vacant and ready for someone else to get presumably some new U.S. taxpayer contract to knock it down. It`s never been used. ….
one of the three officers who the inspector general recommended be disciplined
for all this….. is the top legal adviser to the man that President Obama has
just put forward to be the next chairman of the joint chiefs of staff.
those confirmation hearings for General Joseph Dunford are expected to start
next month.
Dunford is the man who ordered that internal investigation that cleared the military of any wrongdoing. …. Rachel Maddow Show”
Why would President Obama nominate someone who
lost the war in Afghanistan? Why would the President nominate someone who did some
very questionable decision making in Afghanistan?
Dunford, Obama would be seeking counsel from a military leader who is not
likely to question administration policy publicly….Obama worked closely with
Dunford when he commanded U.S. forces in Afghanistan, ….(Dunford is) believed to enjoy good relationships with a
White House that has taken control of much of national security
decision-making, including in dealing with Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and other
Dunford is a Social Engineer, so even though he
lost the war in Afghanistan, and maybe was involved in corruption, he has been nominated,
The Lady Gaga Rot is ubiquitous in the current
American Military:.
“…. the former deputy chief of the US Air Force
Lt Gen David Deptula, explaining how America has bought far too few combat
aircraft during the past decade, opined, "we have a geriatric air
force". But how can this be true when Nato and the US spend such vast sums
of money on the military?
more than half the money goes on wages (Blogger’s
Note- wages are high so that the Military remains a viable career path for Millennials)- whereas emerging powers like Russia,
China, and India, spend far less on those in uniform…..As a result of its
procurement practices, the Pentagon now has fighters that average 24 years and
bombers that are 38 years old.
year it acquired fewer new planes than in any year since 1915 and was
outstripped for the first time in fighter deliveries by Russia… is quite
likely that President Vladimir Putin could test the alliance's resolve by
direct pressure upon its members in the Baltic republics….BBC” .
Lady Gaga Rot has replaced The
Sukhomlinov Effect in the American Military.
Sukhomlinov Effect describes a common pathology of armies. Particularly in
peacetime, armies tend to concern themselves more with appearance and style
than fighting skill, which cannot, after all, be demonstrated. … “
The Sukhomlinov Effect of
looking good in snappy uniforms has been replaced by the Lady Gaga Rot, which
places blind adherence to Social Engineering above military skill.
Dutch War of Independence, the English Civil War, the American Revolution, the
French Revolution, the Napoleonic Wars, the American Civil War, World War I,
the Russian Revolution, World War II (in Europe), the several Arab-Israeli
wars, Vietnam, the Falklands War, and the Afghan War were all lost by the side
that had the snappier uniforms. There is more than a coincidence here….handsome
guys with broad shoulders and splendid posture who wear the uniform well--are
more likely to be promoted than those with a real talent for war, since the
latter may not meet the peacetime criteria. “
The moral of Lady Gaga
Rot is clear; Social Engineers are more likely to be promoted than those with a
real talent for war, since the latter may not meet the social engineering criteria.
In the middle of losing two wars, it is more important for President Obama
that his warriors support Social Engineering rather than exhibit a talent for
war. That is the absolute definition of Lady Gaga Rot, and that is why America
is losing every war it currently fights.
Prior Blogs on the subject of the America Military-
It is Immoral to Send Lady Gaga American Ground Troops Against the Caliphate-They Will Lose...
FDR Would Have Known- The Fort Hood Murders Come Not From PTSD But From Rot in America's Lady Gaga Military
Liberals, Surprised and Befuddled, Discover the Lady Gaga Rot in the American Military
US Air Force Discovering What THE MAXEY CHRONICLES Knew, Fires a General for…… “ROT”
Rot Turns the US Military Hollow- The F-35, Costing 304 Million Each, Have No Combat Pilots To Fly Them
Answering the Elite's
What Does Defense Secretary Designate Ashton Carter Have in Common with Polivanov, Shuvayev, and Belyaev?
What Does Defense Secretary Designate Ashton Carter Have in Common with Polivanov, Shuvayev, and Belyaev?
The American Military's Lady
Gaga Rot Takes Chuck Hagel's Scalp
It is Immoral to Send Lady Gaga American Ground Troops Against the Caliphate-They Will Lose...
The Assassination of Major
General Harold Greene, of the Ninth Legion
FDR Would Have Known- The Fort Hood Murders Come Not From PTSD But From Rot in America's Lady Gaga Military
Liberals, Surprised and Befuddled, Discover the Lady Gaga Rot in the American Military
The Lady Gaga
Rot in American Military Goes Nuclear, Suicidal and Sophomoric.
In 2013, The
Lady Gaga Rot in the American Military Metastasized On-Veterans Self
Destructed, Rapes Skyrocketed
The Rot
In America's Lady Gaga Military Metastasizes Into Treason for Lady Gaga Concert
US Air Force Discovering What THE MAXEY CHRONICLES Knew, Fires a General for…… “ROT”
Synchronicity of Events in America's Lady Gaga Military
Rot Turns the US Military Hollow- The F-35, Costing 304 Million Each, Have No Combat Pilots To Fly Them
Rot Turns the US Military
Hollow- The F-35, Costing 304 Million Each, Have No Combat Pilots To Fly Them
McCaskill (aka Betty White), Kirsten Gillibrand (from the CW), Botch Protecting
Women From Being Raped in the Military
The US
Military: From Sgt. York To Sgt. McQueen, From Winning Wars to Pimping Out
Female Soldiers
CAN, Rape Increases 35% In The New Lady Gaga American Military, President Obama
Slightly Annoyed By This "Stuff”
The Two
Anomalies in the American Military: Rape and the Fear of Mutiny, (Are they
Predictive Anomalies?)
American Military, Short of Brave Men, Allows Women In Combat
The Lady
Gaga Rot in The American Military Goes Ze In Afghanistan
Legacy of Admiral Mullen's(Admiral Gaga) Rot In The US Military Continues
Assassinating Commanding Officers, Trainers Raping Female Recruits, The Legacy
Rot of Admiral Mullen(aka Admiral Gaga)Continues
Concerning Rape In The US Military-The Films, GRIZZLY MAN, THE INVISIBLE WAR
walking Into Combat, Melissa Harris-Perry's Discussion On Women In
in Lady Gaga's Armed Forces Surge- Suicides?!/2012/06/suicides-in-lady-gagas-armed-forces.html
Cooper Vs. The Truth About Women In The Military
Becomes The Banana 4th French Republic: Defense Sec. Panetta Disarms American
Marines Before His Speech
Of A Soldier's Massacre Of Afghans Foretold
Legacy of Admiral Mullen, aka Admiral Gaga-The Moral Rot Of The 1989 RED ARMY,
Comes To The 2012 American Armed Forces
Mullen Retires, Leaving America With A Cromwellian NEW MODEL ARMY, Waiting For
Its General Challe
Events Concerning Our Lost Afghan War- One Shocking, One Foreseeable, Nancy
Pelosi and The Burning of The Korans
Hope And Without Fear", The Rot In Western Armies Turns To Massacres Of
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