A Mexican Zapatista informs America on how To Deport 12 million Anthropocene Illegal Aliens, by Use of RICO
Demography is a
strange mistress; the numbers are immutable, yet somehow miss the point. In
1945, the United States defeated Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan
with 139 million people. In 1992, the United States defeated the Soviet Union
with a population of 236 million. In 2015, the United States has a population
of 316 million people, both legal and illegal, and it cannot defeat anyone.
Historically, the United States has picked a bad time to have an inept, burgeoning population, for 2015 is at the cusp of dystopia.
Scientist agree that the world is living in the Anthropocene Era, an era marked by the Earth being forced into deterioration by the activities of Mankind, including over population.
Human activities, such as over population, has caused climate change which has caused drought, which has caused climate change migrations, migrations exacerbated by over population and drought.
As this Blog is being written there is over population and drought in Sub- Saharan Africa, China, Southwest America and Brazil, wet Brazil is experiencing a drought.
“Imagine this: São Paulo, South America’s largest city and economic hub, will run out of water by June. That's what Brazil's federal government is predicting.
The region is in its worst drought in 80 years. The reservoir that supplies half the city is only 12 percent full. The government has begun rationing water….
….São Paulo state, in late January. São Paulo’s state government warned six years ago of a water crisis by 2015, but little was done to avoid it.
Last August, without warning, the city's homes had their water supplies shut off. Residents had to use public taps, and neighbors fought neighbors as dozens of people swarmed around the faucet. The outage went on for weeks, stretching into September. ….Alexandre Oliveira remembers it as “a water war."….The problem starts with unusually hot and dry weather. There is “a huge mass of hot air that is covering a big part of the South American continent,” says physicist Delcio Rodrigues with the Alliance for Water. ...Twenty percent of the Amazon is deforested, which Rodrigues says helps heat the atmosphere over Brazil and cut down on the rainwater that’s usually pumped south from the Amazon.
...Perhaps worst of all, São Paulo’s state government saw it all coming. Six years ago, they warned of a water crisis by this year, 2015, if São Paulo didn’t restore deforested parts of its watershed.
Yet little was done. Even as the reservoir that supplies half the city hit its lowest point in history last year, politicians and the media focused on the World Cup and elections. On national television, São Paulo’s governor promised there would not be a water shortage.
Now the predicted water crisis is here. Water shutoffs are affecting roughly 40 percent of homes in the city, mostly in low-income areas, and residents are lining up at hearings to demand action.
…..And it’s not just households that are feeling the pinch: Courts are canceling sessions, big farms are scaling back operations and schools and businesses are cutting time…..REUTERS.’
In thirty five years, 2050, the world’s population will be 11 BILLION PEOPLE. In 2015, the Earth does not have enough water for its current population of 6 billion. Water wars will abound.
The United Nations is preparing the world for the concept of Climate Change Refugees; Bangladesh is preparing to ship 30 million of such refugees to America in 2050. (See…Millennials #Hashtag This-35 Years From Now, Bangladesh Wants America to Accept 30 Million of its People
“… In 2013, approximately 41.3 million immigrants lived in the United States, an all-time high for a nation historically built on immigration. The United States remains a popular destination attracting about 20 percent of the world's international migrants, even as it represents less than 5 percent of the global population. Immigrants accounted for 13 percent of the total 316 million U.S. residents; adding the U.S.-born children (of all ages) of immigrants means that approximately 80 million people, or one-quarter of the overall U.S. population, is either of the first or second generation….MIGRATION POLICY INSTITUTE”
This Blogger does not think it is either racist nor nativist to come to the savvy ecological conclusion, that the United States does not have the water resources to continue its Liberal immigration policy in the water deprived Anthropocene.
During the 1990s, this Blogger supported the Zapatista Revolutionary Movement in Mexico. The Zapatista were a group of Mexicans who wanted arms to fight the corrupt, inept and vicious PRI regime ruling Mexico.
Alas, the descendants of the heroic Zapatistas only want to stay in America, drink American water, go to Disneyland, see themselves on television, become Civil Rights lawyers, immigrant advocates and impose the language of the conquistador they abhor, the Spanish of Cortes, on America.
It has been a long fall for the Mexican people in America since the 1990s.
Concerning Obama's Future Executive Action Amnestying Illegal Aliens, Cecilia Muñoz is the Latina Earl of Stratford
New Thinking on Immigration Reform: Base Reform On America’s Dwindling Supply of Fresh Water, and Let Us All Agree To Scapegoat Jose Antonio Vargas
Historically, the United States has picked a bad time to have an inept, burgeoning population, for 2015 is at the cusp of dystopia.
Scientist agree that the world is living in the Anthropocene Era, an era marked by the Earth being forced into deterioration by the activities of Mankind, including over population.
“The beginning of the
so-called “anthropocene” or human epoch is a hotly debated topic in geology,
with suggestions varying widely from the start of farming about 10,000 years
ago to the explosion of the first atomic bomb in 1945.
However, two
scientists have made a case for 1610 because this is the year when a “golden
spike” can be seen in the global geological record indicating that humans had
made an irreversible change to the earth’s biology and chemistry.
It also coincided with
a massive and irreversible change in life on Earth because of the sudden
increase in the trade and transport of animals and plants across the Atlantic
Ocean which had separated the New and Old Worlds for millions of years, they
Simon Lewis, an
ecologist at University College London, and geologist Mark Maslin of Leeds
University said that the two global signatures of human activity emerge in 1610
– the appearance of pollen from imported New World crops in Europe and….….Colonisation
of the New World led to the deaths of an estimated 50m native Americans, mostly
from infectious diseases such as smallpox….no doubt that these global changes
to Earth were caused by their own species. The anthropocene probably began when
species jumped continents, starting when the old world met the new,” he said.
“We humans are now a
geological power in our own right, as earth-changing as a meteorite strike.
Historically, the collision of the old and new worlds marks the beginning of
the modern world,” he added….INDEPENDENT UK”
Human activities, such as over population, has caused climate change which has caused drought, which has caused climate change migrations, migrations exacerbated by over population and drought.
As this Blog is being written there is over population and drought in Sub- Saharan Africa, China, Southwest America and Brazil, wet Brazil is experiencing a drought.
“Imagine this: São Paulo, South America’s largest city and economic hub, will run out of water by June. That's what Brazil's federal government is predicting.
The region is in its worst drought in 80 years. The reservoir that supplies half the city is only 12 percent full. The government has begun rationing water….
….São Paulo state, in late January. São Paulo’s state government warned six years ago of a water crisis by 2015, but little was done to avoid it.
Last August, without warning, the city's homes had their water supplies shut off. Residents had to use public taps, and neighbors fought neighbors as dozens of people swarmed around the faucet. The outage went on for weeks, stretching into September. ….Alexandre Oliveira remembers it as “a water war."….The problem starts with unusually hot and dry weather. There is “a huge mass of hot air that is covering a big part of the South American continent,” says physicist Delcio Rodrigues with the Alliance for Water. ...Twenty percent of the Amazon is deforested, which Rodrigues says helps heat the atmosphere over Brazil and cut down on the rainwater that’s usually pumped south from the Amazon.
...Perhaps worst of all, São Paulo’s state government saw it all coming. Six years ago, they warned of a water crisis by this year, 2015, if São Paulo didn’t restore deforested parts of its watershed.
Yet little was done. Even as the reservoir that supplies half the city hit its lowest point in history last year, politicians and the media focused on the World Cup and elections. On national television, São Paulo’s governor promised there would not be a water shortage.
Now the predicted water crisis is here. Water shutoffs are affecting roughly 40 percent of homes in the city, mostly in low-income areas, and residents are lining up at hearings to demand action.
…..And it’s not just households that are feeling the pinch: Courts are canceling sessions, big farms are scaling back operations and schools and businesses are cutting time…..REUTERS.’
In thirty five years, 2050, the world’s population will be 11 BILLION PEOPLE. In 2015, the Earth does not have enough water for its current population of 6 billion. Water wars will abound.
The United Nations is preparing the world for the concept of Climate Change Refugees; Bangladesh is preparing to ship 30 million of such refugees to America in 2050. (See…Millennials #Hashtag This-35 Years From Now, Bangladesh Wants America to Accept 30 Million of its People
In 35 years, the Plant Earth will go from a paradise to a dystopian
desert because of over population. In response to this looming catastrophe,
perhaps pre-ordained calamity, America’s Globalized Elite, under President
Obama, Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush have advocated amnesty for 12 million illegal
Anthropocene Aliens.
That amnesty is Anthropocene madness.
To justify the amnesty, the Globalized Elite has stressed
that the illegal aliens are hard workers and when they come out of the shadows,
they will be good for the economy.
What the Globalized Elite is blind and dumb to is
this fact-there is no economy in lands slipping into desertification, except
the economy of water wars.
“… In 2013, approximately 41.3 million immigrants lived in the United States, an all-time high for a nation historically built on immigration. The United States remains a popular destination attracting about 20 percent of the world's international migrants, even as it represents less than 5 percent of the global population. Immigrants accounted for 13 percent of the total 316 million U.S. residents; adding the U.S.-born children (of all ages) of immigrants means that approximately 80 million people, or one-quarter of the overall U.S. population, is either of the first or second generation….MIGRATION POLICY INSTITUTE”
This Blogger does not think it is either racist nor nativist to come to the savvy ecological conclusion, that the United States does not have the water resources to continue its Liberal immigration policy in the water deprived Anthropocene.
During the 1990s, this Blogger supported the Zapatista Revolutionary Movement in Mexico. The Zapatista were a group of Mexicans who wanted arms to fight the corrupt, inept and vicious PRI regime ruling Mexico.
Alas, the descendants of the heroic Zapatistas only want to stay in America, drink American water, go to Disneyland, see themselves on television, become Civil Rights lawyers, immigrant advocates and impose the language of the conquistador they abhor, the Spanish of Cortes, on America.
It has been a long fall for the Mexican people in America since the 1990s.
“The Zapatista went public on
January 1, 1994, the day when the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) came into effect. On that day, they issued their
First Declaration from the Lacandon
Jungle and their
Revolutionary Laws. The declaration amounted to a declaration of war on the PRI
Mexican government….the Zapatistas believed that NAFTA would increase the gap between rich and poor
people in Chiapas—a prediction that has been vindicated by subsequent
developments. The EZLN also called for greater democratization of the Mexican
government, which had been controlled by the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI)…..”
This week, this Blogger had dinner with a Zapatista, and asked
him what he thought of President Obama’s Executive Amnesty.
He detests it; he informed this Blogger that the illegal aliens,
en masse, should be deported, so they could become freedom fighters in their
native lands, overthrowing Globalization.
This Blogger informed the Zapatista that the Liberals say it
is impossible to deport 12 million people, without the use of the whip or the
The Zapatista replied:" Make them self-deport, by a Liberal
use of RICO.”
RICO is the :“Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, commonly referred
to as the RICO Act or simply RICO, is a United States federal law that provides
for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause
of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization. RICO was enacted by
section 901(a) of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970 (Pub.L. 91–452, 84 Stat. 922, enacted October 15,
1970). RICO is codified as Chapter 96 of Title 18 of the United States Code,
18 U.S.C. § 1961–1968. …its original use in the 1970s was to prosecute the Mafia
as well as others who were actively engaged in organized crime, its later
application has been more widespread.
Beginning in 1972, 33 States adopted
state RICO laws to be able to prosecute similar conduct.
Under RICO, a person who has
committed "at least two acts of racketeering activity" drawn from a
list of 35 crimes—27 federal crimes
and 8 state crimes—within
a 10-year period can be charged with racketeering if such acts are related in one of four specified ways to
an "enterprise". …the racketeer must forfeit all ill-gotten gains and
interest in any business gained through a pattern of "racketeering
When the U.S. Attorney decides to indict someone under RICO, he or she has the
option of seeking a pre-trial restraining order or injunction to temporarily seize a defendant's assets and
prevent the transfer of potentially forfeitable property, as well as require
the defendant to put up a performance
bond. This
provision was placed in the law because the owners of Mafia-related
shell corporations often absconded with the assets. An injunction and/or
performance bond ensures that there is something to seize in the event of a
guilty verdict.
In many cases, the threat of a RICO
indictment can force defendants to plead guilty to lesser charges, in part
because the seizure of assets would make it difficult to pay a defense attorney.
Despite its harsh provisions, a RICO-related charge is considered easy to prove
in court, as it focuses on patterns of behavior as opposed to criminal acts.
RICO also permits a private
individual "damaged in his business or property" by a
"racketeer" to file a civil suit.”
The Zapatista believes illegal aliens will self deport by a
date certain; if after that date certain
all their material possessions accumulated as a by-product of their illegal
residence and activities will be subject to forfeiture and civil lawsuits because
they are illegal aliens, and thus, by definition engaged in illegal activities.
The Zapatista understands that
America the Generous no longer has enough water for its current population, and
certainly not enough water for an Anthropocene population inflated by illegal
“…... January was the driest in
California since record-keeping began in 1895. Groundwater and snowpack levels
are at all-time lows. We're not just up a creek without a paddle in California,
we're losing the creek too.
from NASA satellites show that the total amount of water stored in the
Sacramento and San Joaquin river basins — that is, all of the snow, river and
reservoir water, water in soils and groundwater combined — was 34 million
acre-feet below normal in 2014. That loss is nearly 1.5 times the capacity of
Lake Mead, America's largest reservoir.
Wells are running dry. In some areas of the Central Valley, the land is sinking
by one foot or more per year.
difficult as it may be to face, the simple fact is that California is running
out of water — and the problem started before our current drought. NASA data
reveal that total water storage in California has been in steady decline since
at least 2002, when satellite-based monitoring began, although groundwater
depletion has been going on since the early 20th century.
now the state has only about one year of water supply left in its reservoirs,
and our strategic backup supply, groundwater, is rapidly disappearing.
California has no contingency plan for a persistent drought like this one (let
alone a 20-plus-year mega-drought), except, apparently, staying in emergency
mode and praying for rain…. Several steps need be taken right now. First, immediate mandatory water
rationing should be authorized across all of the state's water sectors, from
domestic and municipal through agricultural and industrial. The Metropolitan
Water District of Southern California is already considering water rationing by
the summer unless conditions improve. There is no need for the rest of the
state to hesitate…...
the public must take ownership of this issue. This crisis belongs to all of us
— not just to a handful of decision-makers. Water is our most important,
commonly owned resource……Jay
Famiglietti is the senior water scientist at the NASA Jet Propulsion
Laboratory/Caltech and a professor of Earth system science at UC Irvine.”
The Zapatista understands that Communist China is in the midst of a
great drought, and is exporting people; his response: water rights in America
cannot be held by anyone who does not have pre-1992 ancestors.
American Native Americans can NEVER sell water rights to anyone.
This Blogger does not believe it is racist to restrict water
rights to legal Americans; in the Anthropocene, it is only prudent. The Obama Executive
Amnesty only encourages more illegal immigrants, which only exposes more
people to death by thirst in America’s harrowing future.
- SIDEBAR Obama's Executive Amnesty Will Rival Prohibition in Diminishing Respect for The Law
President Obama's Anthropocene Oxymoron, Executive Amnesty, Resurrects Marshal Kutuzov
Obama, as the Anti-JFK, as the American Carlos Salinas, in His Executive Amnesty
How to React To Obama’s Executive Amnesty? Suggestions from Legal Latino Immigrants
What the Disappearance of 43 Mexican Students Says About Obama’s Executive Amnesty, Autogolpe
Gerry Cole Braun vs.This Blog on Default As An Appropriate Response to Obama's Executive Amnesty
The Globalized Elite's Answer to the America's Anthropocene Oxymoron : Buy Canadians- Seriously
Mark Zuckerberg Wants to Amnesty Illegal Aliens Who Can Write FACEBOOK Code,- None Can Create Fresh Water- The Anthropocene Oxymoron
THE DREAM NINE Are Not Heroes, But DANIEL PLAINVIEWS Drinking America's Milk Shake…
Concerning Obama's Future Executive Action Amnestying Illegal Aliens, Cecilia Muñoz is the Latina Earl of Stratford
The Border "Humanitarian" Crisis is A Manufactured Invasion by the LOS ZETAS Drug Cartel
The Unaccompanied Children Invading US are LOS ZETAS' Attempt to Establish a "Deep State" in America
In the Age of Anthropocene Climate Change, Liberalism Will Become Extinct
Who is the Mexican of Value? Jorge Ramos in the US? or the Masked Vigilantes in Mexico Fighting the Drug Cartels
In New Poll, Illegal Aliens Want Sanctuary Not Amnesty
The Anthropocene Oxymoron of Liberals Believing in Climate Change, and Supporting Amnesty for Illegal Aliens....
Wed, 21 Aug 2013
The Shocking Acceptance of Amnesty for Illegal Aliens by American Liberals....
The MAXEY CHRONICLES Calls for A National Day of Illegal Aliens Volunteering For the Armed Forces , A Mere 1%,115,000 Volunteers
This Supporter of the 1986 Amnesty Finds the Rubio Immigration Bill Legalizes Everyone Except The Next Irish Brigade....... http://themaxeychronicles.blogspot.com/2013/05/this-supporter-of-1986-amnesty-finds.html
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