Edward Snowden a Soviet…err Russian Spy?
we explore that question, let us remember that President Vladimir Putin of
Russia is a trained former Soviet KGB officer, a trained espionage agent, a
trained spy master, a man of dark manipulations.
agent is trained in more than tactics; he is trained to hone his instincts, to
be able to see a historical opportunity, and then seize that historical
It is the position
of this Blog that President Putin sees a historical opportunity, to Reverse the
Reagan victory over the Soviet Union in the Cold War. (Answering Harvey Fierstein: “Why is Putin
Going Nazi on Russia’s Gays?” Putin Intends to Reverse the Outcome of the Cold
Mike Rogers, the Congressman who is head
of the House Intelligence Committee and Michael Morrell, the most visible
former CIA Deputy Director ever, intimated that
Edward Snowden, the contractor who leaked the secrets of the National
Security Agency was not an altruistic Paladin of American Privacy but a Soviet ….err Russian spy.
Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers(R-MICH) said Sunday that former
National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden may have received help from
Russian Intelligence in stealing and leaking thousands of classified files,
many of which the lawmaker said compromised U.S. military operations.
of the thousands of computer files that Snowden copied from the Agency’s
computer servers related not only to surveillance programs, but also to U.S. military operations, some of which
now have to be ended, Rogers added.
said this month that a damage assessment by the Defense Intelligence Agency
indicated that most of the estimated 1.7 million classified documents that
officials say Snowden copied from NSA computers involved military operations.
Morrell a former CIA Deputy Director …agreed that Russia’s Intelligence network
might be assisting Snowden.
disclosures that have been coming recently are very sophisticated in their content and sophisticated in their timing,
almost too sophisticated for Mr. Snowden to be deciding on his own….Los Angeles
Snowden were a spy, why would he do it?
Money? Was Snowden a spy like the Falcon and the Snowman or Aldrich Ames, or Alfred Redl (“He was
paid well for his services, and had a lifestyle far above what his official
salary could cover”) -doing it for money?.
already was making a lot of money when he absconded or defected, roughly
$200,000 a year, placing him in the category of the vaunted 1%. He already had a hot paramour, a
lovely female pole dancer, who was oblivious to his extracurricular activities
and whom he left behind when he took flight.
American Intelligence Apparatus, Mr. Morrell included, was CLUELESS about Mr.
Snowden’s activities; so Snowden technically did not take flight, he just left.
Mr. Snowden could have stayed and pumped
more NSA secrets, but he left at his time of choosing.
who spy for monetary reasons, usually stay spying until they are caught, for they want to get as much financial rewards as they
can; they get greedy. If it was just for accumulating profit , and American Counter Intelligence was clueless ( as it was), Mr. Snowden would have remained at his Hawaiian based NSA connected, computer site a lot longer, working his Golden Goose vein of riches.
he is a spy, then it seems that Mr. Snowden stayed until he got the information, not the money, he wanted, and left. If he is a spy, Mr. Snowden was not after buckets of money but specific information, and stayed until he got it. Information not money was his goal.
means that if Mr. Snowden is a spy, he is a spy not for money but for
ideology.If Mr. Snowden is a spy, he is not Alfred Redl but Colonel Oleg Vladimirovich Penkovsky, the Soviet Colonel who sacrificed his life
by betraying the Soviet Union because he believed in the validity of American
if Snowden is an ideological spy, what ideology is he spying for?
ideology does authoritarian, pseudo theocratic Russia have that current Liberal America, on MSNBC's right side of history, does
ideology does Russia have that America does not? It certainly is not Democracy
or Capitalism.
one ideology fits the paradigm; seemingly Russia’s alluring ideology is its ideology of anti-Gay Rights. If Snowden is an ideological spy it is because he does not want pro-Gay America to triumph.
if Snowden is an anti-Gay ideologue willing to betray his country then the
logic is that there are more.
ramifications of that statement are enormous; if true, it means that ex KGB
agent Vladimir Putin has established a cabal,
a Fifth Column, of anti-Gay operatives in the American Military and
Intelligence Communities, comprising of Evangelical Christians, Traditional
Catholics, Muslims, Orthodox and plain homophobes. It also means that NATO is at risk because of
the anti-Gay Rights world view fermenting and congealing in the Militaries and Intelligence Communities of NATO partners: France, Italy, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria,
Romania, Albania and Poland.
following question must be asked: If Snowden was acting as a spy because of an
Anti-Gay ideology, why would he leak his
NSA information to Glenn Greenwald, an
avatar for Privacy Rights and a well known Gay?
former KGB agents know that Great
Espionage is like a Magic Trick,
misdirection is vital. What better way to misdirect the American cognoscenti
from discovering a cabal of anti-Gay,
pro Russian spies in the American
Military and Intelligence apparatus than by giving 1% of the information you
have stolen to a Gay Activist, while giving
99% of 1.7 million files ( that
is 1, 683,000 files) you have stolen on the American Military to a resurgent Russia, advocating a Western Civilization
last stand against Gay Rights?
much we can surmise with startling
accuracy: President Putin sees in President Obama a community organizer with a
feminine skill set, (Russian Speculation About What President
Putin REALLY Thinks of President Obama's Masculine Spirituality and he sees America in the Age of Obama as a
nation, a Republic, an Empire ripe for diminishment, devolution and
should never underestimate President Putin not thinking big.
thinks that America, Pax Americana itself,
under the stewardship of President
Obama, can be had, and that opposition to Gay Rights is the wedge issue
to accomplish that.
footnote, how can President Obama be accused of having a feminine skill set
when he ordered the killing of Osama bin Laden?
Putin feels that that order could have been given by Czarina Alexandra,
Marie Antoinette, Bloody Mary of England, Mary-Queen of Scots, so ordering a
killing is not outside a feminine skill set. What is outside a feminine skill
set is maintaining the loyalty of one’s army and intelligence
apparatus…..President Putin believes that
President Obama lacks the masculine skill set of Queen Elizabeth,
Margaret Thatcher,or Catherine the Great.
a man of instinct, President Putin believes the community organizer is at risk;
and with 1, 683,000 files on the American Military in his vault, the man of
instinct believes he has the edge.
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