Answering Harvey Fierstein: “Why is Putin Going Nazi on Russia’s Gays?” Putin Intends to Reverse the Outcome of the Cold War
Liberals and Gay
Activists are befuddled as to why Russian President Vladimir Putin has
installed Nazi policies on Russia Gays.
In the HOLLYWOOD REPORTER, OSCAR winning screenwriter and Gay activist Dustin Lance Black (MILK) wrote this: ”“The path of history is littered with moments when progress in this country blinds us to appalling crimes against humanity elsewhere. At this very moment in Russia, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people are facing harassment, arrest and violence under a set of horrific new laws. … on the other side of the globe, Russian President Vladimir Putin enacted some of the most vehemently anti-gay laws the world has ever known. The most dangerous weapon he has against his own LGBT citizens is the apathy that may spring from international ignorance and our own potential domestic contentment.
In Russia, it is currently illegal to walk down the street holding hands with someone of the same sex. But these new laws are even more far-reaching and sinister. As Harvey Fierstein wrote in his incredible whistle-blowing New York Times op-ed, "The law is broad and vague, so that any teacher who tells students that homosexuality is not evil, any parents who tell their child that homosexuality is normal, or anyone who makes pro-gay statements deemed accessible to someone underage is now subject to arrest and fines."
Even worse than what these Russian laws target is what they tolerate. Hate is spreading to all corners of Russian society. The head of the Russian Orthodox Church called marriage equality a "sign of the apocalypse." Roving groups of skinheads have attacked LGBT pride demonstrations, leaving blood on public streets. There are even profoundly disturbing reports of thugs posing as teenagers on the Internet and luring gay youth out into the open and then harassing, torturing and humiliating these young people before releasing videos of their tortured victims online.”
On MSNBC’s TV program, ALL IN with CHRIS HAYES, Playwright/Actor Gay Activist Harvey Fierstein stated, “I do not know Putin’s Agenda”
was Prime Minister in 1999, before he became Acting President. He was President
of Russia between 2000 and 2008; he was Prime Minister of Russia, again, between 2008-2012;
since 2012, once again he has been
President of Russia.
Fourteen years in power, but only anti-gay to a Nazi extent since June, 2013.
Why? Why now?
Remember Readers, History and Instinct.
KGB officers are inculcated in the ideology that if Russia is resolute it can reverse the tide, the arc, the flow of History itself. Kutuzov defeated Napoleon after initial defeats; Zhukov defeated the Nazis after initial defeats.
But the seminal touchstone in a KGB approach to History is the “ Great Northern War (1700–1721), a conflict in which a coalition led by the Russia contested the supremacy of the Swedish Empire in Northern, Central and Eastern Europe.”
In the Great Northern War, Czar Peter the Great suffered enormous dEfeats at the hands of the Swedes, and their brilliant leader, the Swedish meteor, Charles XII. But with resolution and instinct, Peter the Great reversed History’s arc; and won a defining victory over the Swedes, twenty one years later.
It has been 22 years since the collapse of the Soviet Union; to Putin, ex-KGB officer, it is time to reverse history, to reverse Russia’s Cold War defeat.
How to reverse the decision of History? The Soviet(Russian) defeat in the Cold War? Become religious, and vehemently anti-Gay. Putin will use being anti-Gay to reverse Defeat.
Ex-KGB officers believe that they lost the Cold War because they were atheists, and the winning West was religious. In their post mortem, the winning difference was Faith. Religion defeated Atheism.
With the rise of Gay Rights in the West, Putin and his men see becoming more religious (i.e. anti-Gay) as the vehicle to reverse History. Their KGB instincts tell them that this is the time to reverse the arc of History.
Why do their instincts tell them that? Why now?
The ex-KGB officers were shocked by the bitter resistance of the French people to a Gay Marriage Bill, legalizing Gay Marriage. That unexpected resistance tells them that the French Army is as weak as the Soviet(Red) Army was at the end of the Soviet Union, not prepared to die for a culture they believe is against God.
“The ferocity of the gay marriage controversy says that France is a more conservative, more Catholic, country than is often realised. The temporal power of the church may have been destroyed by the revolution, along with its ancient monasteries and estates, but its spiritual power has endured. …The church's influence flies for the most part below the social radar. God-fearing Catholics follow their upbringing and current Vatican teaching in regarding same-sex relationships as wrong…..”
The fact that Putin has uplifted the status of the Russian Orthodox Church to a state religion is no mistake…Russia is now more officially religious than any Western power which defeated it during the Cold War.
“The head of the Russian Orthodox Church called marriage equality a "sign of the apocalypse."
It was one event which convinced Putin to become anti-gay, a suicide in France. It showed the ex-KGB that people were prepared to die rather than accept gay marriage; yet no one has died to obtain Gay Marriage, not Andrew Sullivan, Anderson Cooper,Ellen DeGeneres, Jonathan Capehart, Barney Frank, Andy Cohen…none of them have died for Gay Marriage. Yet in France, someone committed suicide over defending Traditional Marriage- which side is stronger?
The KGB ex-officers are like MICHAEL CORLEONE in GODFATHER II when, while in Cuba, he saw the rebel kill himself rather than surrender, and knew the Revolution would win.
Under the proposed law, Nigeria would ban same-sex marriage and those who do marry could face up to 14 years in prison. Witnesses or anyone who helps homosexual couples marry could be sentenced to 10 years in jail.
A 10-year prison term would also be given to those showing affection in public and those advocating gay rights…”
The ex-KGB officers see two events in the United States which leads them to the conclusion that the Cold War can be reversed.
“Army Pfc. Bradley Manning said Thursday that he will live as a woman and seek hormone replacement therapy while incarcerated,….“I am Chelsea Manning. I am a female,” the former intelligence analyst wrote in a statement released on NBC’s “Today” show just a day after he was sentenced to 35 years at the U.S. Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., for leaking classified documents…WASHINGTON POST”.
The ex-KGB officers think -what kind of Military, but a Military ripe for defeat, would allow a Private with Gender Identity problems access to top secret information?
Because of the Repeal of DON’T ASK/DON’T TELL, Putin sees rot in the American Military, a military incapable of dying for its culture. He sees a ripe chance to reverse the Cold War defeat by being more anti-Gay and pro-God than his Western opponents.
Putin and Russia religious leaders
In the HOLLYWOOD REPORTER, OSCAR winning screenwriter and Gay activist Dustin Lance Black (MILK) wrote this: ”“The path of history is littered with moments when progress in this country blinds us to appalling crimes against humanity elsewhere. At this very moment in Russia, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people are facing harassment, arrest and violence under a set of horrific new laws. … on the other side of the globe, Russian President Vladimir Putin enacted some of the most vehemently anti-gay laws the world has ever known. The most dangerous weapon he has against his own LGBT citizens is the apathy that may spring from international ignorance and our own potential domestic contentment.
In Russia, it is currently illegal to walk down the street holding hands with someone of the same sex. But these new laws are even more far-reaching and sinister. As Harvey Fierstein wrote in his incredible whistle-blowing New York Times op-ed, "The law is broad and vague, so that any teacher who tells students that homosexuality is not evil, any parents who tell their child that homosexuality is normal, or anyone who makes pro-gay statements deemed accessible to someone underage is now subject to arrest and fines."
Even worse than what these Russian laws target is what they tolerate. Hate is spreading to all corners of Russian society. The head of the Russian Orthodox Church called marriage equality a "sign of the apocalypse." Roving groups of skinheads have attacked LGBT pride demonstrations, leaving blood on public streets. There are even profoundly disturbing reports of thugs posing as teenagers on the Internet and luring gay youth out into the open and then harassing, torturing and humiliating these young people before releasing videos of their tortured victims online.”
On MSNBC’s TV program, ALL IN with CHRIS HAYES, Playwright/Actor Gay Activist Harvey Fierstein stated, “I do not know Putin’s Agenda”
sees these new laws as a way for Putin to gin up support from his base, while
distracting from the failure of other policies.
Putin’s campaign against lesbian, gay and bisexual people is one of
distraction, a strategy of demonizing a minority for political gain taken
straight from the Nazi playbook…. In May, a young man was beaten to death in city of Volgograd and dumped in a courtyard. A suspect told
police that the attack happened because the young man was gay….”
Mr. Fierstein's conclusion is Liberal naive; Mr. Putin's Nazi policies against Russian Gays is not for political gain, but historical reversal.
Once upon a time, I was visiting, as a
tourist, Communist East Germany; there, as a tourist, I became friendly with a
member of the Soviet Secret Police, a KGB( Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti (usually translated as Committee for State Security), officer, before the fall of the Berlin Wall, I took him to dinner and told him,
“Your system was doomed.”
This summer that very same KGB officer, now
retired, came to the United States as a visitor, and took me to dinner. We
discussed Putin and his war on Gays.
Reader, please remember that Putin was a
trained, and successful KGB officer serving in Communist Germany before his
rapid ascent to the pinnacle of Russian power.
KGB officers are trained, and versed in just
two things-History and Instinct. History can be altered by the appropriate application
of Instinct at the right moment; Bolshevik Leadership opposed the October
Revolution as not timely. But Lenin had the Instinct; he triggered the
Revolution against the wishes of his own Leadership and won, changing History.
KGB officers hope to emulate Lenin’s
In one way or the other, Vladimir Putin has
been ruling Russia, as either President or Prime Minister, since 1999.“On 31 December 1999, Russian
President Boris Yeltsin unexpectedly resigned and, according to the
constitution, Prime Minister Putin became Acting President of the
Russian Federation….”
Fourteen years in power, but only anti-gay to a Nazi extent since June, 2013.
Why? Why now?
Remember Readers, History and Instinct.
KGB officers are inculcated in the ideology that if Russia is resolute it can reverse the tide, the arc, the flow of History itself. Kutuzov defeated Napoleon after initial defeats; Zhukov defeated the Nazis after initial defeats.
But the seminal touchstone in a KGB approach to History is the “ Great Northern War (1700–1721), a conflict in which a coalition led by the Russia contested the supremacy of the Swedish Empire in Northern, Central and Eastern Europe.”
In the Great Northern War, Czar Peter the Great suffered enormous dEfeats at the hands of the Swedes, and their brilliant leader, the Swedish meteor, Charles XII. But with resolution and instinct, Peter the Great reversed History’s arc; and won a defining victory over the Swedes, twenty one years later.
It has been 22 years since the collapse of the Soviet Union; to Putin, ex-KGB officer, it is time to reverse history, to reverse Russia’s Cold War defeat.
How to reverse the decision of History? The Soviet(Russian) defeat in the Cold War? Become religious, and vehemently anti-Gay. Putin will use being anti-Gay to reverse Defeat.
Ex-KGB officers believe that they lost the Cold War because they were atheists, and the winning West was religious. In their post mortem, the winning difference was Faith. Religion defeated Atheism.
With the rise of Gay Rights in the West, Putin and his men see becoming more religious (i.e. anti-Gay) as the vehicle to reverse History. Their KGB instincts tell them that this is the time to reverse the arc of History.
Why do their instincts tell them that? Why now?
The ex-KGB officers were shocked by the bitter resistance of the French people to a Gay Marriage Bill, legalizing Gay Marriage. That unexpected resistance tells them that the French Army is as weak as the Soviet(Red) Army was at the end of the Soviet Union, not prepared to die for a culture they believe is against God.
“The ferocity of the gay marriage controversy says that France is a more conservative, more Catholic, country than is often realised. The temporal power of the church may have been destroyed by the revolution, along with its ancient monasteries and estates, but its spiritual power has endured. …The church's influence flies for the most part below the social radar. God-fearing Catholics follow their upbringing and current Vatican teaching in regarding same-sex relationships as wrong…..”
The fact that Putin has uplifted the status of the Russian Orthodox Church to a state religion is no mistake…Russia is now more officially religious than any Western power which defeated it during the Cold War.
“The head of the Russian Orthodox Church called marriage equality a "sign of the apocalypse."
It was one event which convinced Putin to become anti-gay, a suicide in France. It showed the ex-KGB that people were prepared to die rather than accept gay marriage; yet no one has died to obtain Gay Marriage, not Andrew Sullivan, Anderson Cooper,Ellen DeGeneres, Jonathan Capehart, Barney Frank, Andy Cohen…none of them have died for Gay Marriage. Yet in France, someone committed suicide over defending Traditional Marriage- which side is stronger?
The KGB ex-officers are like MICHAEL CORLEONE in GODFATHER II when, while in Cuba, he saw the rebel kill himself rather than surrender, and knew the Revolution would win.
Paris (CNN) -- The gesture couldn't have been more dramatic, nor the setting
more grand: French writer and historian Dominique
chose the altar of Notre
Dame Cathedral
in Paris to shoot himself in front of about 1,500 horrified visitors. Just
before pulling the trigger, he had meticulously laid a letter on the altar for
the police.
a former paratrooper and member
of the Secret Army Organization (OAS), a group opposed to Algeria's independence and
which waged a war of terror against Charles de Gaulle and his government in the
early 1960s, was a theorist of the French Extreme Right.
Le Pen, leader of the Extreme-Right National
Front party,
provoked controversy when immediately took to
to salute Venner's "political gesture," concluding that he had tried
"to wake France up."
"Venner's models
were ancient Greece and ancient Rome, he was a pagan and an anti-Christian but
chose a highly symbolic place of western civilization to kill himself, "
commented Christophe Forcari in the French daily newspaper Libération.
Venner's anger had focused on the same-sex
marriage bill
which became law last Saturday, and the abrogation of which, he thought, the
French should seek in mass street protests. He dreamt, in fact, of a
reactionary insurrection, a "French Spring."
committing suicide in such a fashion, Venner certainly hoped to show the way to
like-minded radical militants; he recently wrote: "sometimes words are not
enough, they need to be substantiated by acts."
four-month-long campaign on the same-sex marriage bill, during which supporters and protesters
fought each other,
sometimes violently, with hundreds of arrests, certainly antagonized the
country in unexpected ways.”
In the Gestalt world of ex-KGB officers, a
world of History and Instinct, it is the Venner suicide which triggered the
Russian anti-Gay laws. It was the Venner suicide which told the ex KGB officers that Russia could become a champion of Western civilization to a
massive plurality of Western citizens, weakening them, leading to a reversal of
the Cold War finality.
Catholic Poland, Catholic and Orthodox Ukraine,
Catholic and Orthodox Eastern Europe are currently gripped in an anti-Gay fervor:”Warsaw,
Poland (CNN) -- Lech Walesa, the man who led Poland to freedom in
its Cold War struggle with the Soviet Bloc, is refusing to apologize for
suggesting gay Polish politicians should "sit behind a wall" in the
country's parliament.The former Polish president and Nobel Peace Prize winner
provoked uproar in Poland when he told a television reporter Friday night that
as a minority, gays have no right to a prominent position in politics, and
should sit perhaps at the rear of parliament of or even "behind a
He said that gays have little significance as a
minority, and therefore have to "adjust to smaller things." A devout
Catholic and father of eight children, Walesa now says he has nothing to
apologize for despite a mountain of criticism heaped upon a man who was once
venerated as a champion of Polish liberty. He stressed he did not "feel
"I will not apologize to anyone," the former
president said in an interview Monday. "All I said (was) that minorities,
which I respect, should not have the right to impose their views on the
majority. I think most of Poland is behind me."
Lech Walesa, the man
who broke the power of the Soviet union in Poland, is now willing to ally
himself with Russia because of Anti-Gay Rights.
By riding the tiger
of anti-gay Rights, Putin can move Russia back to antebellum Cold War spheres
of influences without firing a shot.
In America, Gay activists
count as progress the number of news anchors, athletes and actors who come out
as Gay; the ex-KGB officers look at other things, such as Gay Rights in
Nigeria, the richest, most powerful, most populous country in booming Africa.
“Gay couples who
display "public shows" of affection in Nigeria could be imprisoned
for 10 years, under proposed new laws.
The measures, passed by Nigeria's
House of Representatives, also outlaw any groups supporting gay rights and
makes illegal gay marriage.Under the proposed law, Nigeria would ban same-sex marriage and those who do marry could face up to 14 years in prison. Witnesses or anyone who helps homosexual couples marry could be sentenced to 10 years in jail.
A 10-year prison term would also be given to those showing affection in public and those advocating gay rights…”
The ex-KGB officers see two events in the United States which leads them to the conclusion that the Cold War can be reversed.
a) Suicides
in the United States Military-for the first time in American history there have
been, during a war, more suicides than combat deaths. “The Department of the Army also showed
strains, with soldier suicides outnumbering combat-related deaths for the year.
trajectory for soldier suicides keeps getting worse.
numbers have increased despite a range of training and awareness programs
instituted by the service in the last few years.”
The ex-KGB officers, including Putin, believe
that there is not a spike in suicides, but a spike in soldiers killing Gay
soldiers since the Repeal of DON’T ASK/DON’T TELL. They see American political
leadership hiding that homicide spike in the statistic of increased suicides.
When the Soviet Red Army started to collapse
in 1989, there was a spike in soldier- on- soldier murders; it was a sign of rot
and defeat in the ranks. The Red Army covered their spike in murders by labeling
the murders accidents; the KGB ex-officers believe that the increase in
American military murders is being labeled suicides because of enfeebled
political correctness.
They intuit that the American Military is on
the verge of collapse. Why else would someone like Bradley Manning be allowed a
TOP SECRET clearance when Bradley did not know if he was a Bradley or a Chelsea?
“Army Pfc. Bradley Manning said Thursday that he will live as a woman and seek hormone replacement therapy while incarcerated,….“I am Chelsea Manning. I am a female,” the former intelligence analyst wrote in a statement released on NBC’s “Today” show just a day after he was sentenced to 35 years at the U.S. Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., for leaking classified documents…WASHINGTON POST”.
The ex-KGB officers think -what kind of Military, but a Military ripe for defeat, would allow a Private with Gender Identity problems access to top secret information?
Because of the Repeal of DON’T ASK/DON’T TELL, Putin sees rot in the American Military, a military incapable of dying for its culture. He sees a ripe chance to reverse the Cold War defeat by being more anti-Gay and pro-God than his Western opponents.
They are calculating that there will be so much support in the heartland of
America, from their fellow Christians, that they can reverse the defeat of the
Cold War with impunity.
When I had
dinner in East Germany with KGB Gleb (his nom de guerre), I picked up the tab.
When Gleb came to America, he picked up our dinner tab and smiled,” Gerry, your
nation and culture is doomed, and we now know how to bring it down. No Orthodox
Jew, fundamentalist Christian, devout Muslim will give up their place in Heaven
by supporting Gay Rights. We will revisit the Cold War and this time we will
win, because now Russia is the most religious Christian country in the world.”
Memo to
Harvey Fierstein, that is the answer to your question, what is Putin’s agenda?
To win the Cold War-this time.
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