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Lincoln and Southern Slave Holders

This Blog will explore Lincoln and  The White Slave Holding Class One of the most disturbing things about living in 21 st  Century America is being subjected to a New Age Liberal dismissive opinion of the effectiveness of the White Slave Holding Class. Modern Americans seem to think white slaveholders were either effete and decadent Truman Capotes in white suits or dumb redneck crackers. The American Slave Holding Class was the most effective, most efficient, most ruthless oppressive class in modern times, ranking in oppressive efficiency with the Mongol Golden Horde, that oppressed  medieval Russia, and Ancient Rome that oppressed everyone. The American Slave Holding Class oppressed a proud, creative, resilient  people from 1620 to 1860, with only four minor rebellions opposing the oppression. “   The Stono Rebellion,a  slave rebellion  that commenced on 9 September 1739, in the  colony of South Carolina . It was the largest slave uprising in the British mainland colonies pr

Gerry Maxey's Plan to Save the Oceans from Plastic Garbage Patches

In recent weeks the Liberal Media and the Liberal Elite have been consumed with the obsession:Did President Trump pay a woman to turn a one night stand indiscretion into a discreet omission from history? This Blogger hates to disillusion the crusading Liberals and their Savonarola madness but whether President Trump did or did not is not important in the Grand Scheme of things, about continued Life on the Planet Earth.  What  is important is that while Liberals were indulging in a St. Vitus  Dance of hypocrisy, something IMPORTANT was discovered in the Pacific Ocean, important to the continuance of Life on the Planet Earth, a  vast and exponentially  growing garbage patch of mostly plastic discards. “A collection of plastic afloat in the Pacific Ocean is growing rapidly, according to a new scientific estimate. Predictions suggest a build-up of about 80,000 tonnes of plastic in the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch" between California and Hawaii. This figure is up to s

In a Zero Sum America, DREAMERS from Arizona to Canada

If one believes that Climate Change is a real phenomenon; and this Blogger believes that it is. If one believes that the Earth is living in the Anthropocene Era, in which the activities of man is shaping the physical nature of the planet Earth, including extinctions; and this Blogger believes that we are. If one believes that living in the Anthropocene means that there will be shortages in food, water, and clean air; and this Blogger believes that it does. If one believes all that, then one MUST believe the world is a ZERO SUM WORLD; and this Blogger believes that. In a ZERO SUM WORLD, the moral question of   succoring refugees, and migrants no longer becomes a moral question but a question of survival, for every act of kindness to the stranger takes away an act of kindness from one’s countrymen. In this dawning Anthropocene, only one nation on this planet sees succoring the stranger as a moral issue, and that country is our beloved Canada. DACA (Deferred ACTION

Astrophysics and God-A Galaxy Exists without DARK MATTER, Which Should NOT Happen in a Godless Universe

This Blogger believes there are three paths to the realization God exists. 1)Personal Experience -This path involves family, tradition, faith, heritage, being a recipient of a miracle, or visitations by angels, or having an epiphany, or Grace. That is the most difficult path to God. 2) The Russian Path-Reading Dostoevsky's THE GRAND INQUISITOR, and realizing that because the Devil does  exist, God exists. 3) Astrophysics is the easiest path to  believing in the existence of God. Lately, the only thing which astrophysics has been doing is proving the existence of a Creator, a God. Science can lead one to God. The fact that astrophysicists cannot figure out the Universe, except in science fiction, leads one to that conclusion; it is God behind the ongoing and continuing mystery. If there were no God, Mankind would know the mysteries of the Universe by now. Astrophysics is close to proving that Divine Mankind  is the most intelligent  life in the Universe, bec

Kevin de Leon and Illegal Alien Neocolonialism in California,Forcing American Natives to Go Mau Mau

“Neocolonialism is the practice of using globalization or cultural imperialism to influence another country.” Neocolonialism in 2018 can be defined as the Globalized Elite and The Liberal Establishment disregarding the wishes, norms, and  traditions  of the legal  citizenry  for the enhancement of illegal  aliens. This Blogger is a follower of charismatic Dominican writer Junot Diaz; Diaz  was born in the Dominican Republic, and now teaches creative writing at MIT. He has a MFA from Cornell, has won a Pulitzer Prize and a MacArthur Genius fellowship. If one enjoys the exercise of immigrant sophistry, one should partake of Dominican Diaz and South African Trevor Noah trashing America, the nation they trash but don’t leave. Junot Diaz is very big on explaining how colonialism and white supremacy impact Latinos around the world . Alas, like most Latino intellectuals, he is a backwards thinker; he sees white colonialism impacting Latinos but is blind to the impact of neocolon