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Reflections on the film, CIVIL WAR in 2024 Antebellum America

One of the leitmotifs of 2024 American Liberalism, is its  propensity to wheel out, from the crypts of the forgotten, relics of the Obama Liberal Ascendency; to pontificate on the current state of the Republic. Those include Jon Stewart, (the foolish comic who thought Bill De Blasio was so terrific; that he wished to be adopted into his multiracial family, which no longer exists, just like the SAFE New York which existed before Mayor de Blasio no longer exists), Jon Meachem, Doris Kearns Goodwin and Katie Couric.

Ms. Couric is a former diva of American journalism; who has been passed by, by history and relevance.
Her contribution to the antebellum tension was the following declaration: “Former TV anchor Katie Couric argued President Trump's MAGA base was driven by "anti-intellectualism"….”
Of course, MAGA supporters are anti-intellectual, for they have read George Orwell:” “Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them."
To bolster the Liberal Elite’s perception that the MAGA movement is founded on anti-intellectualism; it has nurtured a raft of projects espousing intellectual interpretations for visceral events.
The Liberal Elite has recently proclaimed the film, CIVIL WAR, a masterpiece. The film, about the next American Civil War is an intellectual exercise in depicting civil war.
Its intellectual basis, is that a civil war is a Petri dish for nihilistic violence; it studiously stays away from any emotional, anti-intellectual  interpretation of civil war.
Outside, of practicing one’s religion, engaging in Civil War is the most anti-intellectual expression in Mankind’s quiver of expressions.
Civil Wars are visceral; for one is engaged in deadly war with one’s brothers, parents, siblings, school chums, in-laws, friends for a seminal reason. In the first American Civil War, President Lincoln made war against his wife's, Mary Todd Lincoln, brothers. Her half brother Samuel  was killed by Union troops at Shiloh; her half brother Alexander was killed by Union troops at Baton Rouge. Her half brother David was wounded at Vicksburg.
They had the wrong values. Civil wars are about values.
Civil Wars are about killing one’s neighbors because they think one’s neighbors are beyond redemption; Civil Wars occur because both parties don’t think the other side thinks right. That is not intellectual; that is visceral.
As  Franz Werfel stated in THE SONG OF BERNADETTE: “For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not believe, no explanation is possible.”
Civil Wars are fought between people who believe; the film, CIVIL WAR does not believe. The film doe not understand civil wars; it should be called, REVOLUTION versus  CIVIL WAR. CIVIL WAR is a misnomer. 
The violence, the communal violence, the individual violence in the film is caused by grievance. Revolutionary violence is grievance based; Civil War violence is VALUES BASED. There is  a profound difference. 
Intellectual violence is grievance based, whether individual or communal ( the Czar hung Lenin's brother for revolutionary activities and Lenin became a revolutionary). 
Civil War violence is based on anti-intellectualism; your values are wrong, beyond redemption; and since one cannot redeem you, one must kill you.
When this Blogger was in college; he had a Greek-American friend. That friend had an Uncle, who fought for the Royalists against the Communists in the Greek Civil War. 
The Greek Uncle,  would always be happy to tell anyone about his experiences in the war, after a bottle of ouzo. He would take his troops and donkeys into the hills and passes, mountains and valleys in Communist held territory and kill every man and woman in pants that they came across. Then they would behead the unfortunate ones; then tie their heads on to the donkeys, to take them back to the village square, for display
The most famous scene in the film, CIVIL WAR, is when a seemingly Fascist  soldier asks our intrepid press heroes: "What kind of Americans are you?"
Civil War combatants do not need intellectual justification for acts of violence; their values give them all the justification they need..
The Royalists won the Civil War. Their values beheaded the Communist values.. 
The film, CIVIL WAR, does not help its audiences understand, why during the Spanish Civil War, Nationalist shock troops were yelling: " LONG LIVE DEATH", as they went into battle.  It is too intellectual for that.
The film, CIVIL WAR is soulless; it  drops the viewer  into a Civil War without explaining why a man would take up his arms against his brother; or  why men become Roundheads, Carlists, and Southern Soldiers.
One fights a Civil War because one believes his side is RIGHT and the other side is wrong, not politically wrong , not intellectually wrong  but viscerally wrong. Wrong about abortion rights, transgender rights, mass migration, multiculturalism. The other side is so wrong, that they cannot be redeemed, by argument, debate or politics, but only blood.
The other side must be extirpated; because the war is about values.
Name a value: WHAT IS SACRED?
The pro-lifer will go to war, because  they believe in the sacred value of life at inception.
They will be opposed by MSNBC anchors, such as Nicolle Wallace; who believes in the sacred value of MSNBC airwaves. Ms. Wallace said the following about the hiring and firing of a former Republican Party chairwoman, by NBC NEWS.
“Wallace said that with the hiring, NBC has said to election deniers “not just that they can do that on our airwaves, but that they can do that as one of us, a badge-carrying employee of NBC News, as a paid contributor to our sacred airwaves.....MSNBC,COM”
Now, that would have been an interesting film, about the looming Second American Civil war; people who believe in the sacredness of the unborn versus those who believe in the sacredness of airwaves.
Being soulless, Intellectuals are in awe of  the technical aspects of the film CIVIL WAR: ‘Sound editor Glenn Freemantle tells IndieWire about the importance of creating gunfire hitting concrete and metal during the storming of D.C. in Alex Garland's "Civil War."
The film, CIVIL WAR does a great disservice to its audience, especially its American audience,  by stressing the intellectuality of Civil War and not the heart rendering emotional horror of a war between friends.
This Blogger suggests that one bypass CIVIL WAR and view John Huston’s THE RED BADGE OF COURAGE, to get a better understanding of what the toll is, when Americans fight Americans.
Or, better still, read the lyrics of the Confederate battle Hymn, SOUTHERN SOLDIER, to understand the emotional toll on Americans of Civil War.
I'll place my knapsack on my back
My rifle on my shoulder
I'll march away to the firing line
And kill that Yankee soldier
I'll kill that Yankee soldier
I'll march away to the firing line
And kill that Yankee soldier
I'll bid farewell to my wife and child
Farewell to my aged mother
Go and join in the bloody strife
'Til this cruel war is over
'Til this cruel war is over
I'll go and join in the bloody strife
'Til this cruel war is over
If I am shot on the battlefield
And I should not recover
Oh, who will protect my wife and child
And care for my aged mother?
Who'll care for my aged mother?
Oh, who will protect my wife and child
And care for my aged mother?
……If I must die for my home and land
My spirit will not falter
Here's my heart and here's my hand
Upon my country's altar
…..Then Heaven be with us in the strife
Be with the southern soldier....

….So I'll place my knapsack on my back
My rifle on my shoulder
I'll march away to the firing line
And kill that Yankee soldier...….SOUTHERN SOLDIER.”
This Blogger received his first concrete presentiments about a Second American Civil War in 2013; when Globalist President Obama, refused, after being begged, cajoled and inveigled, to attend the 150th anniversary of the greatest battle ever on  American soil, the Civil War battle of Gettysburg. Instead he went to Africa, the land of his Father.
American Nationalists were peeved, to say the least. Obama’s gesture symbolized and clarified the divide between old Americans and new Americans, whose loyalty was to the land and ways of their foreign Fathers.
On July 1, 2013, this Blogger published: President Obama Goes To Africa Snubs the 150th Anniversary of The Battle of Gettysburg (July 1- 
The following is excerpted from that Blog: 
"This is the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg, the greatest, most Homeric, most important, bloodiest battle ever fought on American soil…..It is a seminal event in American history. ….. 
……The United States, in 2013, is a nation divided by class,  Globalization, Women’s Aspirations, Abortion, Gay Rights, Voting Rights, Immigration; the sacred and hallowed ground of Gettysburg, on this 150th Anniversary, would be the perfect, nay pluperfect, place to begin a national reconciliation by noting the common bondage of blood sacrifice we have as Americans. Nothing current and nothing going forward can be worse than what the men of both sides endured on the Battlefield of Gettysburg. 
This is the time, the 150th Anniversary, and the Gettysburg Battlefield is the hallowed place for our American President to say that, as Americans, we must never hold enmity in our hearts for other Americans, and never contemplate another Civil War. 
Alas, our President is not here in the United States taking advantage of this natural period of reconciliation. …...He is in Africa, in this time frame, because he has nothing to give to American reconciliation. He is a petty triumphalist, who has deserted his nation when it needs a commemorative reconciliation…..THE MAXEY CHRONICLES."
President Obama, after again being begged, also rejected attending the 150th Anniversary of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, the greatest speech in American History. 
President Obama is a smart man; alas, his growing up in Indonesia, stripped him of American Blood memory. He did not understand how important the Civil War was to American natives( he even missed the commemoration remembering the Fort Pillow Massacre of Black Union troops by Nathan Bedford Forrest.). 
In a better world, without Liberal Malfeasance in Governance, President Obama would have gone to Gettysburg; walked the memory of Pickett’s Charge and said:”I am against what the Confederacy fought for, but I am here to admire their American Courage.” 
The Republic is here, at this time and at this place ,antebellum America, because of Liberal malfeasance in governing the multicultural society they created…..THE MAXEY CHRONICLES’  
President Obama’s trashing of the memorials at Gettysburg caused a grievous scar on the American psyche. He upheld Africa, Globalism above American bloody, Homeric sacrifice. His untoward choice was not even noted by the Judy Woodruffs of  the Liberal Media, searching the nation for why America is so divided.
And that is the key, the Republic is on the verge of a second Civil War because the Liberal Elite is clueless on how to govern the multicultural society it created; the zero sum society it created, which gives benefits to the New Arrivals, by taking away benefits from the Americans, white, black, red, yellow, and brown; who have carried the burden of the Republic, through war and depression. The Liberal Elite not only takes away material benefits from Americans to give to illegal aliens; it also takes away the intangibles of honoring one’s History.
In July, 2016,  this Blogger published the following:”This Blogger believes that the Republic is in an antebellum time frame, Hillary has a solution:'I Believe What We Need in America Today is More Love and Kindness'…Hillary.”
By her logic, the first Civil War  surely would have been forestalled by more love and understanding of Southern slaveholders. Whatever was Abe Lincoln thinking?
-the Liberal Elite does not have a clue on how to govern the Zero Sum America it created since NAFTA.

….. MSNBC rolling out a world famous Presidential historian, who assured the common people that Americans would always unite in crisis, and never divide. He based his assessment on History; yet America, in 2016, is so Diverse, that it has a population in which 14% is foreign born. That mixture, so Diverse,  has never been tested in crisis before; nothing in the past, when America had a more homogenized population, can be predictive of the future, a future shaped by America going into the Diversity worship business. This Blogger thinks that the famous historian was delusional; there is no American core unity left, it has been diluted into extinction by Diversity…..The MAXEY CHRONICLES.”


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