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Stephen Hawking Dies at 76; His Work Paved the Way for Astrophysics to Prove God Exists

Stephen Hawking, brilliant mind, astrophysicist, heir to Newton and Einstein, author of A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME, has died at 76. In 1963, he was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, more commonly called ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease. He was given two years to live; he died 55 years later. This Blogger owes much to Stephen Hawking; in the late eighties, this Blogger happened to be, by fluke, East Germany, Communist Germany. Outside of Magdeburg, this Blogger was pulled of the train heading for Hanover by STASI agents( East German secret police). The STASI agents rifled this Blogger’s belongings, and found the one book this Blogger was carrying, A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME. The astute STASI agent smiled and said: “I don’t the Americans would send someone who reads Hawking to bother us.” This Blogger was put on the next train to Hanover, no worse for wear. This Blogger was indeed reading A BREF HISTORY IN TIME; reading it confirmed his religious faith; confirm

WHO Warns of DISEASE X; In 2014, Gerry Maxey Predicted How The Deep State Would Handle Overpopulation

WHO-World Health Organization Last week, the WHO warned the world that a new disease, DISEASE X, was about to be unleashed, potentially killing millions of earthlings. The WHO labeled the Disease, Disease X, because the new pathogen is unknown; the WHO has no idea what the new killer disease will be, they are merely sure there will be one. The WHO does not know if the new mysterious bound to happen pathogen will be a freak of nature or manmade; they do not know where DISEASE X will come from. “The World Health Organisation [WHO] has put scientists and health workers around the globe on alert for a new and potentially deadly pathogen - Disease X. Each year the Geneva-based organisation, which is charged with monitoring and safeguarding world health, convenes a high-level meeting of senior scientists to list diseases that pose a serious risk of sparking a major international public health emergency. In previous years the list has been confined to known killers such as L

WATER STRESS and ROBOTICS Preclude Nancy Pelosi's Fantasy Compassion Toward DREAMERS

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi(D-Ca), 77 years old, gave the longest speech in the history of the House of Representatives, over eight hours. She did it in four inch heels. Her history making speech  was mostly about illegal aliens, and DREAMERS ( those illegal aliens brought to America by their parents as children ) and DACA Recipients, those DREAMERS allowed to stay in a America by an Executive Order from President Obama; an order rescinded by President Trump, effective March 5, 2018. Her speech was eloquent, emotional, heart rendering, and completely devoid of reality. Ms. Pelosi lives in a fantasy NBC/Hollywood sitcom; her speech reveals how clueless she and her acolytes are.  The illegal aliens, including the DREAMERS must be repatriated. That agenda is not driven by racism nor American nativism but by acceptance of Climate Change, which has unleashed water stress on America, including Los Angeles, Phoenix,  and Miami,and by the rise of robots. First excerpts from

Americans Sacrifice Child Bearing to Survive Climate Change; Migrants Negate the Sacrifice

On August 2, 2009, this Blogger published this:  “I, Gerry Maxey, believe that the planet Earth is living in the Anthropocene, a geological epoch caused by man-made activities. One of the man-made activities is Climate Change, which will result in famine and drought, mass migrations and social disruption. I believe that the Anthropocene is caused by over population( According  to the 2006 Revision, the world population will likely increase by  2.5 billion over the next 43 years, passing from the current 6.7 billion to 9.2 billion in 2050); the planet Earth can reasonably sustain 3 billion people. May I humbly suggest that the Global Community place a moratorium on pregnancies for 12 months to slow down the population accelerator…..If Mankind does not slow down the population explosion, Nature will, for Nature always corrects over population......GERRY MAXEY.” From the emails this Blogger received, the Global Community thought him mad or deranged or mean, or anti-human; no one in t