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Joe Biden Stated that Only the LORD ALMIGHTY Could Stop his Reelection Bid;, But the LORD ALMIGHTY ALREADY HAS

It was a warm, balmy day in Marina del Rey, California; this Blogger and his brother were having lunch at an outdoor café, when a woman approached. Neither this Blogger nor his brother recognized her. However, she recognized this Blogger’s brother. They had dated thirty years before. She chatted amiably, refused lunch; but left her phone number with this Blogger’s brother. After she left;  this Blogger became a vile male and turned to his brother and stated :” I was a preteen, but is my memory faulty? Wasn’t she gorgeous when you dated her?” This Blogger’s brother  replied:  “Yes, but you will learn, as people get older the state of their souls replaces any physical beauty. She always had an ugly soul; now, one can see it, a reverse DORIAN GRAY phenomenon.” This Blogger was reminded of that incident and his brother’s words as he watched Joe Biden give a defiant interview with ABC anchor, George Stephanopoulos. The interview highlighted his soul devouring his physicality. Biden is now i

July 3rd,1863, Gettysburg, Pickett's Charge Takes the Confederacy to the High Water Mark, then Doom

  In this Blogger’s opinion, the Confederacy was doomed once General Stonewall Jackson was killed, by force majeure, by his own victorious troops, by mistake, after the Battle of Chancellorsville. This Blogger believes that if Jackson had been in tactical command of Lee’s strategic vision at Gettysburg, as he would have been, the South would have won. Jackson’s death is analogous to the Gods interfering in the Trojan War; a Divine Act which altered History. Pickett’s Charge was 12,500 Southerners, the crème de la crème of  Southern manhood, Virginian cavaliers, and North Carolinian Tar heels(including Rev. Billy Graham’s grandfather) charging across an open field, almost a mile wide, into the vengeful waiting guns and cannons of the Army of the Potomac, sheltered by a wall. Slaveholders and sharecroppers joined together in a bid for Destiny’s favor.  Southern Slavery did not produce poets. It is remarkable to this Blogger how few great writers the South produced under slavery. The best