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In Biden's Morehouse Speech and on PBS, there was "A TELL" About the Elite's Afrocentric Plan for America

  When this Blogger was in college, he took a course  from the great Norman Fertig in Kremlinology; the study of what was happening in the opaque Soviet Union, based on tells. A tell is a poker term:”   an  unconscious  action that is thought to  betray   hidden facts or goals." In 2024, the Liberal Elite is full of tells. The Liberal Elite wants to transform America into a Third World nation, culturally, educationally, socially, politically and demographically. That is the true goal of DEI( Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) and Open Borders. The Liberal Elite is a mad amoeba, a manifestation of the fictional BORG; enveloping everything in its path, driven by a GROUPTHINK mentality that they are on the right side of History or Herstory. Their right side of History leads them to believe that American society can end racism by flooding the nation with illegal aliens. This  Blogger  disagrees. He believes the nation and culture has a better chanc...

Discovery of "THE BIG RING" Continues God's Befuddlement of Mankind's Cosmology

As Readers of this Blog understand, this Blogger believes that we, Mankind, are on a path, a trek, which  will lead us to the confirmation of the existence of a Creator, a Divine God. And it is all because of Astrophysics and 21st Century Cosmology. No longer, will Mankind seek answers to the Divine in miracles, or Ritual or Belief Systems, but in the Nature of the Universe; a Universe so bewildering, it could only have been created on purpose, by an intelligent being. This Blogger first took astronomy is college; but the course was dull, for the teacher and guest astronomers believed that astronomy was a settled science. That Mankind had advanced from the Sumerians, Mayans to Galileo and Copernicus to Einstein in an ever evolving scientific logic. However, in 2024, Mankind now knows the Universe is illogical on every level; so illogical it is divine. This Blogger had to take a passenger train across East Germany; to get from West Berlin to Hanover. He was advised, in case he ...

Who Killed the DEI Paradise in Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales?

  “Paradise is a place of contentment, a land of luxury and fulfillment containing ever-lasting bliss. Paradise is often described as a "higher place", the holiest place, in contrast to this world, or underworlds such as Hell.” DEI stands for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. What DEI really means is an alliance between rebellious, oppressed white women and minority SAMMY GLICKS, against the toxic masculinity of white males; those white males who were not only Nazis and Communists but those males who defeated the Nazis and the Soviets. DEI  not only gives the present of a Western  society to this alliance, but also the future of the society to this alliance. DEI Paradise not only gives the present and future to this alliance but also the past to this alliance. Josie Rourke, the female British film Director, directed the historical drama, MARY, QUEEN OF SCOTS; she filled the 16th Century Royal Scottish Court of Mary, Queen of Scots with Black actors; even though none o...

Columbia U. Protests: Gerry Maxey reflects on His Times as a Protestor, Rioter, Revolutionary

  This Blogger has an emotional and familial connection to Columbia University, in New York City. As Readers of this Blog know; this Blogger is a very late child. When he was born, he had two brothers, a generation older than he. One fought  the Nazis in Italy and Southern France; one fought the Imperial Japanese on Saipan. In fact the inside family joke was that this Blogger was conceived; in case one of his brothers did not come back from the  war. Very Sparta. The Saipan brother came home, and used his G.I. Bill to obtain his Bachelors and Masters from Columbia University. One of his proudest memorabilia was his diplomas, signed by the then President of the university, General Dwight David Eisenhower. In was through my brother’s good graces, that this Blogger got to meet Kerensky, the  revolutionary head of the democratic Provisional government of pre-Bolshevik  Russia; who had Lenin in his power and yet did not execute him, dooming millions to horrific fates...