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Gerry Maxey Explains his Ray Bradbury Futurism, Applies it to New York's Plan to Scrap THIRD AMENDMENT

This Blogger gets many emails from his world class Readers; some are even flattering.   Recently, he received an email from a graduate student at an Eastern college; she is very smart (she sent me a copy of her transcripts). She wants to be a futurist, just like her putative hero, this Blogger. She wanted to know: what training is necessary for that to happen? This Blogger was trained by Dave Q. He    was a World War II veteran; he had been an infantryman in the Philippines Campaign, saw combat. The Japanese High Command did not want to defend Manila; however, over 16,000 Imperial Japanese Marines    mutinied. They decided to defend Manila to the last man. The Imperial Marines dug in, in the ancient, walled part of Manila, a warren of treacherous,  dangerous streets. They defied the Americans, to come in after them. The Americans did; everyday Americans, future Rotarians, Shriners, former butchers, post men, milk men, bell boys, sons of ministers, would be ...

Pride Month: LGBTQIA2S+ Should Cut a Deal with Anti-Woke Bigots Now, Before Multicultural Parents Attack

The most inclusive mathematical notation ever was Zenzizenzizenzic , an obsolete form of mathematical notation representing  the  eighth power  of a number. It can be argued that  LGBTQIA2S+    rivals it in inclusivity. LGBTQIA2S+ is an acronym for  Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and/or Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Two-Spirit, and the countless affirmative ways in which people choose to self-identify . Sometimes it seems the whole purpose of Gay Culture is to add a letter to the acronym. June is PRIDE MONTH, a 30 -day series of events, celebrating all the letters in the acronym. PRIDE MONTH 2023 in the most fraught time for those of the acronym since before the NOTORIUS RBG ( Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg)    won her crusade for Gay Marriage Equality in 2015. Eight years later, every right won, achieved, granted or acknowledged, is in danger of being swept away by a long simmering backlash. How long simmering? Reader, take the ti...