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Showing posts with the label Vladimir Putin

Ukraine is Russia's Ireland, Ukrainians are Russia's Irish; Is Zelensky the Ukrainian Michael Collins?

Ukraine is Russia’s Ireland   Ukrainians are Russia’s Irish.   However, it is worse for the Ukrainians than for the Irish; since there is no Irish Sea separating Ukraine from    Russia, just vast vistas of grains.   Imagine if you will, how much more England would covet Ireland, if Ireland contained Camelot and Avalon, Stonehenge and Westminster Abby, Stratford on Avon and Blenheim  on its soil, and not British soil.   That is Ukraine’s existential problem in a nutshell; on its current land, it contains the mystical ground which gave Russia, the LAY OF IGOR’S CAMPAIGN; the first two Saints canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church, Boris and Gleb,  were from Kiev. The Russian Orthodox Church itself started in Ukraine . The scene of Russia’s first great military victory, as a great European power, is located in Ukraine, Poltava.   On current Ukrainian soil, is the mystical ground which gave Russia-RUSSIA. Ukraine is Ireland; Russia is Great Britain.   The current carnage in Ukraine is th

Predicting Putin's Future Plan For Ukraine, It Involves Bolivia

For the 25 th time since the current Ukrainian-Russian Crisis began, the UN Security Council met on the issue. US Ambassador Samantha Power shrilly warned Russian President Vladimir Putin to cease and desist from his support of Russian separatists in Eastern Ukraine, who want to divorce from Western Ukraine. Samantha Power is a pedestrian former self-righteous journalist; Vladimir Putin is a former Colonel of the KGB, a position that one does not achieve by media savvy, or popularity within the Media Elite. Putin became a Colonel in the KGB, one of the most merit based organizations on Earth, by wedding an understanding of history’s lessons, an instinctive grasp of the modern moment and a post modern vision of Europe after the decline and fall of American Leadership. Vladimir Putin is the most formidable European Leader to challenge the established order since Otto von Bismarck. In real life terms, Samantha Power warning Vladimir Putin to stay out of  Ukraine is like JAR JAR