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Showing posts with the label Big Bang Theory

Black Holes Merging with Neutron Stars ( THE BIG CRUNCH?)

This Blogger seems to have an inordinately high ratio of astrophysicists reading the MAXEY CHRONICLES. Perhaps because this Blogger dabbles in cosmology; believing that the trek to confirming the existence of God is through the anomalies, mysteries     and consistencies currently being discovered by astrophysicists. Recently there has been an uptick in observations of     black holes merging with neutron stars. “ O n august 14th, just after 9pm Universal Time, a ripple of gravitational waves reached Earth. Until a few years ago no one would have noticed such an event. But 2015 saw the reopening, after an upgrade, of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (ligo), a pair of detectors in Washington state and Louisiana. These were joined in 2017 by Virgo, an upgraded instrument in Italy. Together, the three instruments not only recorded the wave’s passage, they also worked out where in the sky it had come from and then texted that information to the world’

Update: Via Confusion, Astrophysicists Inch Closer to Confirming God Exists

It can be truly said that this Blogger became a Believer in a Divine Creator while reading Stephen Hawking’s tome, A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME. This Blogger was a paragon of scientific secularism until he got to the final chapters; in those chapters, Hawking asked his reader to believe that the whole universe was created in a Big Bang, from material no bigger than a pin head, in a nanosecond. Hawking also asked his Reader to imagine a time before the Big Bang in which there was no Time. When this Blogger read Hawking, he remembered a line from that wondrous German film, WINGS OF DESIRE, in which the fallen angel says :” Time cures all, but perhaps time itself is the disease.” It is all about Time, and Time is not a natural phenomena. If it were, the laws of physics would apply; which means Mankind would be able to go back in Time, or forward in Time, fairly easily. But we can’t; even if we built a Time machine, we could only go forward, because Time is an arrow, going only one way

Astrophysicists Attempt to RECTIFY Stephen Hawking's NOTHING Before The Big Bang Theory

The main problem this Blogger had with Stephen Hawking’s cosmology was him begging his scientific followers to imagine a time before the Big Bang, a time without time. This Blogger felt if he had to imagine a time without time in order to be scientific, he might as well believe in Eternity to make sure he got to Heaven. Now, in December, 2018, astrophysicists have floated a theory that tries to explain the time before the Big Bang. Before we get to that new theory, this Blogger would like to refresh his Readers on his Cosmological Manifesto. On March 30, 2018, this Blogger published: Astrophysics and God-A Galaxy Exists without DARK MATTER, Which Should NOT Happen in a Godless Universe. The following is excerpted from that Blog: “ This Blogger believes there are three paths to the realization God exists. 1)Personal Experience-This path involves family, tradition, faith, heri