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Showing posts from November, 2022

Over population from a Limited Gene Pool Causes DOPPLEGANGERS

This Blog is a follow-up to the 11-15-2022 Blog on Over population. This Blogger’s site and email box were    swamped by Readers and strangers, reacting to his Blog on Overpopulation. It seems that this Blogger is not the only sane, semi-sane, quasi-sane or insane denizen of this planet concerned about Overpopulation.   This Blogger considers this planet, Earth, the TITANTIC; over population is the unseen menace about to send us to our demise. This Blogger believes that, with 8 Billion humans on Earth, the iceberg has already struck. In response to the existential threat, the leaders of Earth, especially American politicians, are dedicated to discussing the menu for the evening, on a doomed ship.   In 1994, the Earth’s population of humans was 5.5 billion; alarmed, Stanford University did a study and concluded the planet could survive best with a population of between 1.5 and 2 billion, tops.   As of November 15, 2022, the Earth’s population  is 8 bill...

The 4 Theories of Why Mankind Has Not Met Extraterrestrials: HANSON'S THEORY, GRBs, EXTRATERRESTRIAL SNOBBERY and You Know Why

It is a great mystery to bewildered astrophysicists that Mankind, in its push into the heavens, has not made contact, formal contact ,with  extraterrestrials .   The scientific community has deemed it a fact that, extraterrestrials must exist, as a mere consequence of mathematical probability, like an actuarial chart.   How could, with so many stars, trillions of them, and planets, only Mankind seemingly has produced a high civilization capable of reaching into the frontiers of space?   Where are the Klingons?   With all these trillion of stars racing around out there, there must be one which has produced a caliber of technological life capable of contacting Mankind.   NASA scientists have been working on this conundrum.   They have offered up THE GREAT FILTER THEORY aka HANSON'S THEORY, to explain.  This Blogger will explore the four main theories which try to explain why Mankind has not met extraterrestrials in the final frontier. Those fo...

In 2012 Gerry Maxey Said: "FACEBOOK is Nothing; Water is Everything"; in 2022, FACEBOOK to Lay Off; Mississippi River Drying Up

On May 20, 2012, this Blogger published :  The FACEBOOK IPO Is Nothing, The  Water Is Everything.     The following is excerpted from that Blog:   “ This week two seemingly unrelated events, but in reality, VERY related events occurred. One was the FACEBOOK IPO …the other was the City of Phoenix, Arizona, going to the Navajo Nation, begging for WATER.     In retrospect, these two overlapping events will mark the transition out of one era, into beginning of a new era.    The old FACEBOOK era in which everyone lived ethereal lives dependent on how many internet friends one amassed has no future….  The Age of FACEBOOK will soon be over….GERALD MAXEY ." Ten years later FACEBOOK, aka META is floundering, which is sad for investors and employees; meanwhile the mighty Mississippi River, the Ol Man River,    is LITERALLY drying up. That is catastrophic.   The Age of FACEBOOK is truly over, but alas, in this new Age, the might...