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At the beginning of 2021, this Blogger wrote: “2020 was  the Year of Death; everyone in the world knew someone who died in 2020. That shared experience is unusual.  2021 is the Year of killing.”     This Blogger was too prescient for his own good; in 2021 there is a pandemic of killing, an epidemic of killing, a fad of killing.     Killing your fellow man is so prevalent in 2021, that THE MAXEY CHRONICLES is naming the Killer Ape , PERSON OF THE YEAR 2021.     Everyone is getting killed, harmless old Asian men going for a walk outside their homes in upscale neighborhoods, love struck young women, lovers of ex-NFL football players, dope dealers, school kids on the way to class, toddlers riding in a car seat on a well-travelled freeway, students in home rooms, nameless men, church ladies, hookers, priests, soldiers on duty, soldiers off duty, veterans who have survived combat, babies, criminals, dog walkers, families, pro Trump supporters, BLM supporters, hard working waitresses for not

LEST WE FORGET- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was Born in December, 1918

President Lincoln thought that the 1852  novel, UNCLE TOM’S CABIN, by Harriet Beecher Stowe, was the literary trigger to the American Civil War; the war which ended slavery in America. That being the case, Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn’s 1962 novel about prison life in Stalin’s concentration camps, the gulags, ONE DAY IN THE LIFE OF IVAN DENISOVICH was the literary trigger to the fall of the Soviet Union. Ronald Reagan, St. John Paul II, and all who fought the twilight war, which brought down the Soviet Union, stood on the shoulders of Solzhenitsyn’s exposé and denunciation of the Soviet Union. (Certain Liberal intellectuals engage in revisionism, and claim that Mikhail Gorbachev was more instrumental than Ronald Reagan in bringing down the Soviet Union; they say that because they still cannot believe that a has-been actor, from a small college, whose last great role was playing second fiddle to a chimp in BEDTIME    FOR BONZO, could bring down a system created by the giants of the