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Showing posts with the label Over population

Last Week's Most Eventful Event was in.....EGYPT

This has been an extraordinarily eventful week, particularly in Eric Hoffer terms; in that one should always be aware of leading indicators. This Blogger’s Mexican-American, Hispanic, Latino, Latinx friends tell me that the most eventful event this past week was two out of three of the leading Democratic candidates for President, Senator Amy Klubuchar of Minnesota, and Billionaire Tom Steyer (think ARTIE ZIFF from THE SIMPSONS), could not, in their quest to lead the world, name the President of America’s largest trading partner, a nation which guards America’s Southern border, a nation of 110 million people just across the Rio Grande. “Democratic presidential hopefuls Amy Klobuchar and Tom Steyer were stumped when asked during a televised interview in Nevada to name the Mexican president.  Klobuchar, Steyer and fellow 2020 candidate Pete Buttigieg were asked during one-on-one interviews with the Spanish-language station Telemundo on Thursday night if they knew the name of the pres

UPDATE on Controlling Over Population by DISEASE X -Hachimoji DNA

Whispers on the wind have informed this Blogger that the “Deep States” of both Western and Eastern Civilizations have reached the following conclusions: Mankind is living in the Anthropocene Epoch, in which the physicality of the Earth itself is being changed by man made activities. There is Climate Change. Climate Change is caused not by farting cows(see Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez’ GREEN NEW DEAL's FAQ), but by rampant over population of Humans, specifically Sub-Saharan Blacks. Every other subset of humanity has slashed its birthrate in order to save the planet, only sub-Saharan blacks have continued to reproduce at levels dangerous to the continuance of life on this planet. The over population of sub-Saharan blacks will lead to Mass Migration, which in turn will lead to social breakdown on a global scale. The over population of sub-Saharan Blacks must be reduced, in the near future. War can reduce populations; in Paraguay’s Great War, 70% of the male population w