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Showing posts with the label Mexico

The Existential Antebellum Differences between American Liberals and American Nationalists

The problem with 2017 America is quite simple, and very evident; the Liberal Elite, a subset of the Global Elite, did everything under Heaven and above Hell to create a multicultural society based on Diversity.  Alas for America and Western Civilization, Liberals are incapable of managing, administering or governing a multicultural society; multiculturalism to Liberals is a constant  atrophy  of the American culture, an endless hunt for exotic figures to exalt, above native born Americans. This Blogger does not believe that Diversity, in of itself, has any value added benefit to America; in fact this Blogger agrees with philosopher John Stuart Mill, who, in 1861, wrote that Diversity is corrosive to Democracy as a  viable institution.  In his tome, REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT, Mill argued “ free institutions are next to impossible in a country made up of different nationalities. .because the same incidents, the same acts, the same system of government, affect them in different w

Mass Incarceration of American Black Males is Caused by Globalization

One of the main concerns of this Blogger about the future is  the inability of Millennials to think in Gestalt terms; they only think in Silos, never connecting the dots of one issue to the grand pattern. Millennials believe that the trade policies foisted on America by the Liberal Elite and the Mass Incarceration of Young Black Males imposed on America by the Liberal Elite are distinct aberrations of policy. They are not; they are both manifestations of Globalization as practiced by the Liberal Elite. In the early 1990s, the Liberal Elite residing at Harvard University mingled with the Globalized Elite vacationing at Harvard and decided to help the global poor by redistributing wealth  from the Rich United States  to the poor countries of the world. This could be accomplished by sending American jobs to first China and Mexico, then everywhere. Capitalism would benefit by cheap labor, and the poor in China and Mexico would benefit by having their standards of living raised

Mexico(Carlos Arruza),Bad Mexicans (Jorge Ramos), Good Mexicans(Repatriates) and Wannabe Mexicans(Jeb Bush)

MEXICO-CARLOS ARRUZA This Blogger’s interest in Mexico was inspired, nurtured and cultivated by my brother, who was fascinated with Tlacaelel, the Cardinal Richelieu of the Aztec Empire. He was fascinated that Tlacaelel lived 90 years, (1397-1487) without modern medicine.  This Blogger sees Tlacaelel as the Stalin of Mexico; he was one of the first leaders to indulge in re-writing known history, until it was the new truth. When he was a young kid, this Blogger’s brother took him to Tijuana, Mexico to see the corrida, bullfighting. On that occasion, this Blogger saw the legendary Mexican matador, Carlos Arruza. Yes, my Mexican compadres,this Blogger saw the mythic Arruza in person, in the flesh, alive. He began his match with the bull fighting Portuguese style, on horseback, and then the canny bull nicked the horse. Arruza got off his horse, kissed it, led it off, and returned to kill the bull on foot. The jam packed audience went mad with worshipful delirium This is h