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Showing posts with the label Abraham Lincoln

Lincoln's Washington D.C.

This Blogger, on his hadj to Washington D.C., made  a special effort to pay renewed homage to Abraham Lincoln. In reality, the American Civil War, the American Iliad, is about two men: Lincoln and Robert E. Lee. If Lincoln had not been elected President of the United States, the South would not have seceded, ergo no Civil War.  If Lee had taken Lincoln’s offer to command the Federal Armies at the beginning of the war, the war would probably have ended in 90 days. The war was so bloody; the war was such a bloodletting, because Lee went with his state, Virginia, against the Union. He was not the only one; Virginia supplied more troops to the Confederacy than any other rebel state. The war lasted four long years only because of Lee and his killing genius; “ Forty-five percent of all Union casualties—including 56.4 percent of all Union troops wounded and 36.4 percent of all Union troops killed in action—fell at the hands of Lee's army. ” Lee and Lee alone gave the Confeder

An Overdue Appreciation of "Crazy" Mary Todd Lincoln

The widow of President Abraham Lincoln ,  Mary Todd Lincoln, went nuts after three of her four sons died before their maturities, and her husband  was assassinated. Her last living son locked her up in a loony bin. She is dismissed by history as a shrew, a nag, a spendthrift, a woman with a permanent case of PMS. This Blog would like the Reader to recast Mary Todd in a new light, as one of the most momentous women in history, and THE most momentous woman in  American history. Mary Todd came from a very influential Kentucky family, closely allied with that titan of American politics, Henry Clay, the original War Hawk. Clay had been  Senator from Kentucky, Secretary State of the United States and Speaker of the US House of Representatives, everything but President. And oh how  Mr. Clay wanted to be President, but he never pulled it off. As a flirtatious young girl, up to the age of 14, Mary would sit on the lap of her family friend, Senator Henry Clay and in her best SCARLETT O'

Lincoln and Southern Slave Holders

This Blog will explore Lincoln and  The White Slave Holding Class One of the most disturbing things about living in 21 st  Century America is being subjected to a New Age Liberal dismissive opinion of the effectiveness of the White Slave Holding Class. Modern Americans seem to think white slaveholders were either effete and decadent Truman Capotes in white suits or dumb redneck crackers. The American Slave Holding Class was the most effective, most efficient, most ruthless oppressive class in modern times, ranking in oppressive efficiency with the Mongol Golden Horde, that oppressed  medieval Russia, and Ancient Rome that oppressed everyone. The American Slave Holding Class oppressed a proud, creative, resilient  people from 1620 to 1860, with only four minor rebellions opposing the oppression. “   The Stono Rebellion,a  slave rebellion  that commenced on 9 September 1739, in the  colony of South Carolina . It was the largest slave uprising in the British mainland colonies pr