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Showing posts with the label Eric Hoffer

Lament for anno Domini 2022, a Rotten Year for Marines and Merit, Good Year for Visigoths

This Blogger hated the year 2022, anno Domini 2022; it was a tawdry, demeaning, depressing year, burdened with all the earmarks of a society, culture in decline, decay and entropy.    2022 was revelatory in that anyone could see the driving philosophy behind the tawdriness, degradation and depression. And that driving philosophy is demented modernity; the dementia is identified  by hubris. The generations ruling America grew up on very special episodes of BLOSSOM and DISNEY inclusive cartoons. From those two fountainheads of knowledge, the modern generations came to the conclusions that they, en toto, were the smartest generations ever to exist on Earth; because they could take pictures of their breakfasts and selfies of themselves eating said  breakfasts.  They consider themselves not only more clever than all the prior generations; but above the folk lore and tradition which uplifted Mankind from barbarism. They indulge in the self satisfying belief system, that  their diversity and

Is it an Anomaly or a Precursor? Using Eric Hoffer's Methodology On Germany and America

As Readers of this Blog know, this Blogger considers Eric Hoffer one of the great men of the 20 th  Century. Hoffer saw himself as a FREMEN from the novel DUNE, a hunter for signs of worms; in his case, worms in a society which foretold its future. He was always looking for the anomaly in the society which was not a one off, but a precursor. On July 17, 2010, this Blogger published an paean to Eric Hoffer; the following is excerpted from that Blog. “Eric Hoffer was one of the great men of the 20th Century, a blind man who became able to see- literally, a migrant worker, a survivor of a suicide attempt, a stevedore, an essayist, a genius, a man who spent his time drifting or in a library or in a bordello. President Reagan awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1983, no one has deserved it more. He wrote a wonderfully insightful tome, THE TRUE BELIEVER, which stated that there was basically no difference between a Nazi and a Communist; the real differen